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四月份 第 18 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2012-04-24) ------

  • Chinese Government Sides with Local Firm Against US Tech Giant
  • 中國政府支持本土公司擁有 iPad 商標權
  •   Senior Chinese officials are hinting that U.S. technology giant Apple is at risk of losing its trademark dispute with a company in the southern city of Shenzhen that claims ownership of the iPad name in China.
  • 中國高級官員暗示說,美國科技業巨頭蘋果公司很可能會在與深圳唯冠公司的商標權爭端中落敗;唯冠公司稱擁有在中國的 iPad 商標名稱所有權。

  •   Officials with the nation's commerce ministry and its trademark office told reporters Tuesday they regard Shenzhen-based Proview Technology as the rightful owner of the iconic trademark.
  • 中國商務部有關官員和商標局星期二對記者表示,他們認為,深圳唯冠科技公司是 iPad 這個具有標誌意義商標的合法所有者。

  •   Proview's Taiwanese subsidiary registered the trademark more than a decade ago, long before Apple developed its popular tablet computer.
  • 唯冠的臺灣子公司在十年多年前註冊了這一商標,遠早於蘋果開發這款受歡迎的平板電腦。

  •   Apple purchased the rights from Proview in 2009, but Proview says Apple failed to register the trademark in mainland China.
  • 蘋果公司在 2009 年從唯冠公司購買了商標權,但唯冠表示,蘋果沒有在中國大陸註冊這一商標。

  •   The U.S.-based firm has been engaged in a lengthy court battle with financially troubled Proview over the trademark.
  • 設在美國的蘋果公司在這一問題上與資金窘迫的唯冠公司進行了長期的法庭爭鬥。

  •   Analysts say Tuesday's comments could place more pressure on Apple to settle the dispute.
  • 有分析人士說,中國官員星期二的講話可能讓蘋果在解決爭端上承擔更多壓力。


  • (2012-04-24) ------

  • China Calls for Calm Between Sudans
  • 蘇丹稱已對南蘇丹宣戰 中國籲克制
  •   China's leader is calling for restraint from the two Sudans, after South Sudan's President Salva Kiir said Sudan has "declared war" on his country.
  • 中國領導人呼籲南北蘇丹保持克制;此前,南蘇丹總統基爾說,蘇丹已對南蘇丹 "宣戰"。

  •   Mr. Kiir made his remarks Tuesday during talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing.
  • 基爾是星期二在北京與中國國家主席胡錦濤會談時說這番話的。

  •   Chinese state television later reported that Mr. Hu stated he hopes both Sudans will cease conflicts along their border and settle their issues through peaceful negotiations.
  • 中國國家電視臺之後報導說,胡錦濤表示,他希望南北蘇丹停止在邊界地區的衝突,通過和平談判來解決問題。

  •   Sudan and South Sudan have been on the edge of full-scale war for weeks because of disputes over borders and oil revenue.
  • 由於邊界和石油收入等爭議問題,蘇丹與南蘇丹幾個星期以來一直處於全面戰爭的邊緣。

  •   China is a major buyer of oil from both countries.
  • 中國是這兩國石油的主要購買國。

  •   Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, said Monday there will be no further talks and that the south only understands the language of "guns and ammunition."
  • 蘇丹總統巴希爾星期一說,蘇丹不會與南蘇丹進一步會談,南蘇丹只懂得 “槍炮” 的語言。

  •   South Sudanese officials said Tuesday that Sudanese warplanes dropped bombs overnight in Panakwach, an area of the south's Unity State.
  • 南蘇丹官員星期二說,蘇丹的戰機夜間在南蘇丹團結州的帕納克瓦赫地區扔下了炸彈。

EPT 美語
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