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2024.09.18 05:22
四月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-04-24) ------
- European Commission Head Rejects Boycott of Beijing Olympic Games
- 歐盟委員會負責人反對抵制北京奧運
- The head of the European Commission says he is opposed to any boycott of the upcoming Beijing Olympic games because of the ongoing crisis in Tibet.
- 歐盟委員會負責人說,他反對因為西藏目前的危機而對即將到來的北京奧運會進行任何抵制。
- Jose Manuel Barroso expressed his views Friday after talks with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing.
- 巴羅索星期五在北京與中國總理溫家寶舉行會談之後表達了上述觀點。
- Mr. Barroso says he and Mr. Wen had frank discussions on Tibet, and that he hoped to "see positive developments soon."
- 巴羅索說,他和溫家寶坦率地討論了西藏問題,他希望「很快看到積極的進展」。
- Tensions have grown between both sides since China's harsh crackdown of anti-government protesters last month.
- 中國上個月嚴厲鎮壓西藏反政府抗議人士之後,中國與歐盟之間的關係趨於緊張。
- The European Parliament had urged EU leaders to boycott the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in August unless Chinese leaders hold talks with Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.
- 歐洲議會敦促歐盟國家領導人抵制今年 8 月北京奧運會的開幕式,除非中國領導人與西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛舉行會談。
- But Mr. Barroso says the games must be successful because they celebrate the world's youth.
- 但是巴羅索說,奧運會必須要辦成功,因為奧運是為世界年輕人舉辦的活動。
- (2008-04-24) ------
- Indonesia Holds Massive Bird Flu Drill
- 印尼開展大規模禽流感演習
- Indonesia has launched a massive bird flu drill to prepare for the possibility of a human-to-human outbreak of the deadly virus.
- 印度尼西亞展開了一項預防禽流感可能在人與人之間傳播的大規模演習。
- The exercise began with a man contracting the disease on the resort island of Bali and will culminate with officials trying to prevent infected travelers from leaving the country and taking the virus overseas.
- 這次演習內容從一個人在旅遊勝地巴里島感染了禽流感病毒開始,演習的高潮是政府官員試圖防止受感染的遊客出國把病毒帶到國外。
- Most bird flu cases involve contact with infected poultry.
- 絕大多數的禽流感病例都與直接接觸受到感染的禽鳥有關。
- Experts fear the virus could eventually mutate and be spread from human contact.
- 專家擔心,禽流感病毒將來可能發生變異,使它能通過人與人的接觸而廣泛流傳。
- Bird flu has hit Indonesia harder than any other country in the world, and its 107 deaths from the disease account for nearly half of the global total.
- 印度尼西亞發生禽流感的情況比世界上任何國家都嚴重,且已經有 107 人死於禽流感,大約相當與全球死於禽流感人數的一半。