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2024.09.15 14:00
四月份 第 03 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-03) ------
- N. Korea Not Allowing S. Korean Workers Into Joint Industrial Zone
- 朝鮮不准韓國工人進入開城工業園區
- North Korea is blocking entry of South Korean workers into a joint industrial zone just north of the border, jeopardizing the last remaining sign of cooperation between the two foes.
- 朝鮮不准韓國工人進入位於南北分界線以北的聯合工業園區,朝鮮半島南北雙方僅存的這一合作跡象前途未蔔。
- Pyongyang announced Wednesday it is suspending South Korean access to the Kaesong industrial complex, but said it would allow the South Korean workers at the facility to leave.
- 平壤星期三宣佈,暫停准予韓國工人進入開城工業園區,但表示將允許目前仍停留在園區內的韓國工人離開。
- South Korea says it was not told how long the entry ban will last, but warns that, if it is prolonged, South Korean workers could run out of supplies and food.
- 韓國表示,未被告知不准進入開城工業園區的禁令將維持多久,但警告說,如果禁令維持下去,韓國工人將面臨生活用品和食物短缺。
- Unification Ministry spokesperson says the safety of its workers is Seoul's top priority.
- 韓國統一部發言人說,韓國工人的安全是首爾的首要考慮事項。
- Seoul's defense ministry says that military action is a last-resort option if the safety of the workers is threatened.
- 韓國國防部說,如果韓國工人的安全受到威脅,軍事行動將是最後的選擇。
- Pyongyang has previously blocked South Koreans from entering or exiting the complex, which opened in 2004.
- 平壤以往曾經阻撓韓國人進入或離開開城工業園區;該園區於 2004 年開始運營。
- But this appears to be the most serious threat yet to the center, which provides about $2 billion a year in trade for the impoverished North.
- 但開城工業園區這次看來面臨著最嚴重的威脅;開城工業園區每年為貧困的朝鮮帶來大約 20 億美元的貿易收入。
- South Koreans who work in Kaesong are expressing concern about their safety.
- 在開城工業園區工作的韓國人對當地的安全局勢感到擔憂。
- The move came just hours after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned Pyongyang against making further provocative threats against Washington and its allies.
- 在朝鮮做出這一決定的幾小時前,美國國務卿克里警告平壤不要進一步對華盛頓及其盟友進行威脅挑釁。
- (2013-04-03) ------
- Malaysia PM Dissolves Parliament; Elections Expected within Weeks
- 馬來西亞總理解散議會 預計數週內舉行選舉
- Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has dissolved parliament, setting up elections that could challenge his ruling coalition that has been in power for nearly six decades.
- 馬來西亞總理納吉布已經解散議會,並準備舉行選舉;納吉布所在的執政聯盟已經執政將近 60 年,其地位可能在選舉中受到挑戰。
- During a televised speech Wednesday, Prime Minister Razak hailed the achievements of his National Front coalition, saying he hopes the elections will deliver it a strong mandate.
- 納吉布星期三發表電視講話,讚揚他的國民陣線聯盟所取得的成就,並表示希望選舉將對該聯盟予以強大的授權。
- Analysts expect a strong showing from the three-party coalition of ex-deputy prime minister Anwer Ibrahim.
- 分析人士預計,前副總理安華領導的三黨聯盟將在選舉中獲得有力的支持。
- The opposition alliance took an unprecedented number of seats from the National Front during 2008 polls.
- 在 2008 年選舉中,這個反對派聯盟從國民陣線聯盟手中奪得的議席之多前所未有。
- The election commission is expected to meet soon to establish a date for the vote, which is likely to happen in the next few weeks.
- 預計馬來西亞選舉委員會不久將開會確定投票日期,很可能是在幾星期後。
- Elections must be held within two months of dissolving parliament.
- 解散議會後,必須要在兩個月內舉行選舉。