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2025.02.15 15:31
四月份 第 14 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-18) ------
- US Arrests Suspect in Poison Letter Sent to Obama
- 向歐巴馬投寄帶毒信件的嫌疑人被逮捕
- U.S. investigators say a suspect in Mississippi has been arrested in connection with a poisoned letter sent to U.S. President Barack Obama.
- 美國調查人員說,在密西西比州逮捕了一名與寄給歐巴馬總統帶毒信件事件有關的嫌疑人。
- The FBI said suspect Paul Kevin Curtis was arrested Wednesday in Corinth, Mississippi. Investigators did not provide further details.
- 美國聯邦調查局說,嫌疑人柯蒂斯星期三在密西西比州的科林斯被逮捕;調查人員沒有透露更多細節。
- However, an FBI intelligence bulletin seen by reporters said the suspect April 8 letter to Mr. Obama and a second one addressed to U.S. Senator Roger Wicker were postmarked in Memphis, Tennessee and contained some identical wording.
- 但記者看到的一份聯邦調查局情報簡報說,4 月 8 號寄給歐巴馬的帶毒信件和寄給韋克爾參議員的帶毒信件上的郵戳顯示寄出地點是田納西州的孟菲斯,而兩封信件中的某些措辭完全一樣。
- Both letters preliminarily tested positive for ricin, a highly poisonous chemical compound that is deadly in amounts as small as a grain of salt.
- 這兩封信件都初步檢測出帶有蓖麻油毒素,這是一種毒性極強的有毒化學藥劑,極少量即可致命。
- Investigators said both letters were intercepted at mail screening facilities away from the White House and Senate offices and consequently did not place either the president or the senator in immediate danger.
- 調查人員說,這兩封信件分別被白宮和參議院的信件檢查機構截獲,因此沒有對歐巴馬總統和韋克爾參議員構成威脅。
- (2013-04-18) ------
- Massive Explosion of Texas Fertilizer Plant
- 德州一家化肥廠發生劇烈爆炸
- A massive explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas Wednesday evening has injured dozens of people and left an unknown number of people dead.
- 美國德克薩斯州一座化肥廠星期三晚間發生劇烈爆炸,造成數十人受傷,目前死亡人數不詳。
- Local firefighters were battling a fire at the plant in the town of West, located just outside the city of Waco, when the blast occurred.
- 當地的消防人員正在為這座化肥廠滅火;該廠位於韋科市外的一個韋斯特鎮。
- An official with the Texas Department of Public Safety says between 50-75 houses near the plant were destroyed, and that many residents were injured.
- 德州公共安全部一名官員說,化肥廠附近的 50 至 75 所房屋被毀,很多居民受傷。
- Various news outlets have said at three people have been killed, but authorities will not give an exact number.
- 一些媒體報道說,爆炸造成三人死亡,但有關當局沒有透露死亡人數。
- An official with the Waco police department says some firefighters are missing.
- 韋科市警察局一名官員說,一些消防隊員下落不明。
- Many residents of the community were evacuated, including a nursing home with over 100 residents.
- 當地很多居民已被疏散,包括住在一家療養院裡的 100 多人。
- Emergency crews are still conducting a house-to-house search within the blast area to find anyone who may still be trapped.
- 緊急救援人員還在爆炸附近地區挨家挨戶尋找可能被困陷的人。
- Authorities did not say how the initial fire started at the plant.
- 有關當局沒有說明化肥廠是如何起火的。
- A nearby high school football field was turned into emergency staging area to treat the victims.
- 附近一所中學的美式足球場被用做緊急救治受傷者的場所。
- Texas Governor Rick Perry says state resources have been mobilized to provide assistance to local authorities.
- 德州州長佩里發表聲明說,已經動用本州資源,為當地有關當局提供援助。
- Emergency crews from dozens of nearby towns and counties traveled to West to assist with the response.
- 附近數十個鄉鎮派出緊急救援人員前往韋斯特鎮提供協助。