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2025.02.19 03:25
四月份 第 07 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-09) ------
- North Korea Issues New Warnings of War
- 朝鮮再次發出戰爭威脅
- North Korea has urged foreigners to leave South Korea to avoid a possible military conflict, issuing yet another threat of war on the Korean peninsula.
- 朝鮮敦促外國人離開韓國,躲避可能發生的軍事衝突,這是在朝鮮半島發出的又一次戰爭威脅。
- The North's official news agency issued a statement from the regime's Asia-Pacific Peace Committee Tuesday, urging foreign tourists and enterprises "to take evacuation measures out of Seoul and South Korea for their own safety."
- 朝鮮官方的通訊社星期二發表朝鮮亞太和平委員會的聲明,敦促外國旅遊者和外國企業為自身安全起見,要採取撤離首爾和韓國其他地區的措施。
- North Korea issued a similar warning last week to foreign embassies in the capital of Pyongyang.
- 朝鮮上星期曾向駐首都平壤的外國使館發出類似的警告。
- Meanwhile, North Korean workers failed to show up for work Tuesday at the Kaesong joint industrial zone with South Korea, after Pyongyang suspended operations at the last direct economic link between the two nations.
- 與此同時,朝鮮員工星期二沒有到朝鮮與韓國共建的開城工業園區上班,此前平壤暫停在園區的運作,而這一園區是雙方之間最後一個直接的經濟往來特區。
- South Korean President Park Geun-hye says that Pyongyang's decision Monday to withdraw more than 50,000 workers from the facility will hurt the North's credibility in the world as a place to do business.
- 韓國總統樸槿惠說,平壤星期一決定將 5 萬多名員工撤出開城工業園區,這將損害朝鮮在世界上的商業信譽。
- Tensions on the Korean peninsula have worsened in recent weeks, as North Korea, angered by a new round of international sanctions, has threatened to attack the South, the United States and U.S. allies in the Asia-Pacific region.
- 國際社會對朝鮮實行新一輪制裁激怒了平壤,朝鮮半島近幾個星期來緊張局勢升級,平壤威脅要襲擊韓國、美國以及亞太地區的美國盟友。
- (2013-04-09) ------
- Syria Rejects UN Chemical Weapons Team
- 敘利亞拒絕聯合國調查化學武器小組
- The Syrian government has rejected a request by United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon to allow a team of inspectors to investigate the use of chemical weapons in the country's civil war.
- 敘利亞政府拒絕了聯合國秘書長潘基文提出的一項有關準許檢查員小組調查化學武器被用於敘利亞內戰的要求。
- Syria's foreign ministry says the government is willing to allow the inspectors into the village of Khan al-Assal, near Aleppo, where the rebels were alleged to have used chemical weapons last month.
- 敘利亞外交部說,敘利亞政府願意准許檢查員進入阿勒頗附近的汗阿爾阿薩爾村,據稱反政府武裝上月在那裏使用了化學武器。
- Mr. Ban said Monday that an investigating team is ready to deploy in the country within 24 hours, suggesting that it be allowed to investigate reports of chemical attacks throughout the country.
- 潘基文星期一說,調查組準備在 24 小時之內進入敘利亞,並表示將允許調查組審查有關敘利亞各地使用化學武器的報告。
- The Syrian foreign ministry rejected that proposal saying it would be a violation of Syrian sovereignty.
- 敘利亞外交部拒絕了這一提議,聲稱這將侵犯敘利亞主權。
- Both the government and rebels opposed to President Assad have traded accusations about the use of chemical weapons.
- 敘利亞政府和反對阿薩德總統的反政府武裝相互指責對方使用化學武器。