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2025.02.19 02:32
四月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-02) ------
- N. Korea Vows to Restart Stalled Nuclear Complex
- 平壤聲稱將重新啟動寧邊核設施
- North Korea says it is restarting all operations at a shuttered nuclear reactor, adding to already heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula.
- 朝鮮說,將全面重新啟動一個關閉的核設施,這一舉動使已經高度緊張的朝鮮半島局勢進一步升級。
- The official Korean Central News Agency quoted officials as saying Pyongyang would "readjust and restart" the facilities at the Yongbyon complex both to build more bombs and address the country's electricity shortage.
- 朝鮮官方的朝中社援引核機構官員的話說,平壤將重新調整並重新啟動寧邊核設施,以製造更多核彈,同時解決朝鮮的電力短缺問題。
- It said this will include a uranium enrichment plant and a five megawatt reactor that can generate spent fuel rods laced with weapons-grade plutonium.
- 朝中社說,寧邊核設施將包括一座鈾濃縮工廠和一座五兆瓦反應爐,可以生產含有武器級鈽的燃料棒。
- The reactor was shut down in 2007 in exchange for economic aid.
- 寧邊核設施於 2007 年關閉,以換取經濟援助。
- The move follows weeks of threats by Pyongyang, which is angry at tough United Nations sanctions passed in response to its third nuclear test and latest satellite launch.
- 幾星期來,平壤不斷發出威脅,此前聯合國針對其最近一次進行核試驗以及發射衛星而加強制裁朝鮮,平壤對此感到憤怒。
- (2013-04-02) ------
- Militants Kill 7 in Attack on Pakistan Power Station
- 激進份子襲擊巴基斯坦電廠打死七人
- Pakistani police say dozens of suspected militants attacked a power station in the country's northwest, killing seven people and leaving thousands without electricity.
- 巴基斯坦警方說,數十名疑似激進份子襲擊了巴基斯坦西北部一座發電廠,打死七人,造成數千居民斷電。
- Officials say the assault took place on the outskirts of Peshawar, when about 50 militants, armed with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades, stormed the plant at after midnight Tuesday.
- 有關官員說,這次襲擊發生在白沙瓦郊區,擁有迫擊炮和火箭榴彈的大約 50 名激進份子於星期二午夜過後衝進這座發電廠。
- Police say the militants killed two people at the scene of the attack and abducted nine others. Five of those taken were later found dead in a nearby field.
- 警方說,激進份子在襲擊現場打死兩人,並綁架九人,後來在附近地區發現其中五人已經死亡。
- At least four power plant workers remain missing.
- 目前至少還有四名發電廠工人下落不明。
- No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Power has been restored to some of the areas left dark by the raid.
- 沒有任何組織宣稱對這次襲擊負責;襲擊造成斷電後,一些地區已經恢復供電。
- Taliban militants continue to launch frequent attacks in the semiautonomous tribal regions, despite efforts by the Pakistani military to stem them.
- 巴基斯坦軍隊採取行動遏阻塔利班激進份子,但激進份子繼續在半自治的部落區頻繁發動襲擊。
- Violence has been increasing in the northwest as Pakistan prepares to hold provincial and general elections on May 11th.
- 在巴基斯坦準備於 5 月 11 日舉行省選舉和大選之際,巴基斯坦西北部地區的暴力活動增加。