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2025.02.12 05:58
四月份 第 13 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-17) ------
- FBI Suspects Boston Bombs Packed in Pressure Cookers
- FBI 懷疑波士頓爆炸案的炸彈或為高壓鍋製成
- The FBI says the two bombs that exploded Monday at the Boston Marathon were carried in a dark-colored bag, and possibly consisted of pressure cookers packed with nails and ball bearings.
- 美國聯邦調查局說,在星期一波士頓馬拉松賽中爆炸的兩枚炸彈是藏在一個深色包裡,炸彈可能是用藏有釘子和滾珠的高壓鍋製成。
- FBI examiners are looking at fragments recovered from the scene, as they try to piece together how the attack happened.
- 聯邦調查局人員正在檢查在爆炸現場找到的碎片,希望能彙集線索,以判斷襲擊發生時的情況。
- Authorities do not have any suspects, and are asking the public to send in any photos or videos taken along the marathon route to help find who was responsible.
- 有關當局目前還沒有發現任何嫌疑人,要求公眾送交在馬拉松賽沿途拍攝的任何照片和錄像,協助查找肇事者。
- VOA correspondent Carolyn Presutti, reporting in Boston, says police are also asking people to call in any possible tips.
- 美國之音記者普雷蘇蒂在波士頓報導說,警方還要求民眾提供任何可能的線索。
- Police and firefighters unions in Boston have offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.
- 波士頓警方和消防隊員工會懸賞 5 萬美元,尋求有助於抓獲肇事者的信息。
- The FBI agent in charge of the case says investigators will "go to the ends of the Earth" to identify who carried out the bombings.
- 負責這一案件的聯邦調查局特工說,調查人員即使 “走遍天涯海角”,也要找到這起爆炸案的製造者。
- Maryland Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger said after a security briefing Tuesday it is not likely that al-Qaida or any foreign government was involved because of the lack of prior intelligence.
- 馬里蘭州國會議員魯斯伯格星期二在聽完一個安全簡報會後說,由於案發前沒有有關情報,目前看來不大可能是基地組織或其他外國政府介入了這起爆炸案。
- Two blasts seconds apart killed three people at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, including an 8-year-old boy.
- 幾秒鐘內在波士頓馬拉松賽終點線上接連發生的兩起爆炸造成 3 人死亡,其中包括一名 8 歲男孩。
- One-hundred-76 people were injured. A number of them lost limbs.
- 另外有 176 人受傷,一些人的手臂或腿被炸斷。
- (2013-04-17) ------
- Britain, World Dignitaries Say Goodbye to “Iron Lady”
- 英國與世界其他各國政要名流參加 “鐵娘子” 柴契爾夫人葬禮
- World leaders and dignitaries from 170 countries will attend the funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher amid heavy security at St. Paul's Cathedral in London Wednesday.
- 來自 170 個國家的政要名流將參加前英國首相柴契爾夫人的葬禮,倫敦聖保羅大教堂星期三戒備森嚴。
- Britain's Queen Elizabeth, her husband Prince Phillip, and Prime Minister David Cameron will lead the more than 2,000 guests expected to attend the service.
- 英國女王伊麗莎白二世和丈夫菲利浦親王以及卡梅倫首相將出席葬禮,預計參加葬禮的來賓將超過兩千人。
- Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and ex-Vice President Dick Cheney will also attend.
- 前美國國務卿基辛格和前美國副總統錢尼也將出席葬禮。
- Mrs. Thatcher's body was brought Tuesday to Westminster Palace, to rest overnight before the funeral.
- 在葬禮舉行之前,柴契爾夫人的遺體已於星期二送抵威斯敏斯特宮。
- Her coffin will be carried in a funeral procession Wednesday morning along a central London route lined by members of the British armed forces.
- 星期三上午,柴契爾夫人的靈柩將在送葬隊伍護送下經過倫敦中部城區,英國軍人列於道路兩旁。
- More than 4,000 police also will be deployed as part of a security operation that was increased following Monday's deadly bomb attacks in Boston.
- 波士頓星期一發生致命炸彈襲擊後,英國當局加強戒備將部署 4 千多名警察,作為安全措施的組成部份。
- Officials say they are well-prepared to deal with the security for the funeral, as well as the London Marathon on Sunday.
- 有關官員說,他們已為應對葬禮以及星期天倫敦馬拉松賽的安全做好充份準備。
- Mrs. Thatcher died from a stroke April 8 at the age of 87.
- 柴契爾夫人 4 月 8 日中風去世,享年 87 歲。
- Britain's first and only female prime minister, she became one of the country's most influential modern-day leaders during her time in office from 1979 to 1990.
- 她是英國第一個並且是目前唯一擔任過英國首相的女性;從 1979 年到 1990 年在她執政期間,她被視為當代其中一個最具有影響力的國家領導人。