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2025.01.16 23:03
四月份 第 10 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-12) ------
- Rights Groups Urge Kerry to Address China's Human Rights
- 人權組織促克里向中國提人權問題
- Human rights groups are urging U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to raise the treatment of dissidents and other rights concerns during his upcoming visit to China, expected to be dominated by talks on North Korea.
- 一些人權團體敦促美國國務卿克里即將在訪問中國時提出異議人士所受到的對待以及其它人權問題;預計克里訪問中國的主要議題將圍繞朝鮮。
- Several groups, including Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders, said in a letter to Kerry this week that they fear human rights concerns have been sacrificed, as Washington pursues economic opportunities in China and seeks Beijing's support on North Korea other international concerns.
- 國際特赦組織和記者無國界等人權組織本星期致函克里國務卿,他們擔心美國在尋求中國經濟發展機會和謀求中國支持解決朝鮮和其它國際問題時,人權問題會被忽視。
- The letter said that as much as China resists outside pressure to improve its rights record, Beijing does appear to respond to such pressure.
- 人權組織的信函說,中國盡管在改善人權方面拒絕向外界壓力屈服,但是北京當局看來會對這種壓力有所反應。
- It accused the Chinese government of increasing the persecution of domestic critics, pursuing abusive policies in Tibet and Xinjiang and imposing restrictions on civil society, freedom of expression and the Internet.
- 信函指責中國政府加大迫害國內的批評人士,在西藏和新疆實行打壓政策,並對公民社會、言論自由以及網路的使用加以限制。
- The letter said Kerry's visit was a crucial moment to signal to China that the quality of U.S.-China relations will depend in part on whether it lives by universally accepted human rights norms in its domestic and foreign policies.
- 人權組織的信函還說,克里對中國的訪問是向中國發出信息的一個重要時刻,那就是,美中關係的進展在相當程度上要取決於中國實施其國內政策和外交政策時是否符合普世人權準則。
- (2013-04-12) ------
- Amid Worries Over NKorean Missile Test, Kerry Arrives in Seoul
- 克里抵達首爾 期間人們擔心朝鮮導彈試射
- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived Friday in Seoul, amid concern North Korea will soon conduct another provocative missile test.
- 美國國務卿克里星期五抵達首爾,目前人們擔心朝鮮將很快再次進行挑釁性導彈試射。
- Kerry will hold talks with South Korean officials, including President Park Geun-hye during his visit. He will also meet with U.S. military commanders based in the country.
- 克里在訪問期間將與包括樸槿惠總統在內的韓國官員舉行會談;此外,克里還將會見駐韓美軍指揮官。
- His visit comes as speculation increased that North Korea is preparing to test a mid-range missile to demonstrate its ability to hit U.S. targets in the region.
- 在克里訪問韓國之際,有關朝鮮試射一枚中程導彈以顯示有能力打擊該地區美國目標的猜測增多。
- A U.S. official in Seoul said there is no sign of an imminent launch of the North's Musudan missile, which is believed to have a range of 3,500 kilometers and could threaten U.S. bases in Japan or Guam.
- 一名美國官員在首爾說,目前沒有跡象顯示朝鮮將很快發射舞水端導彈,據信這種導彈的射程為 3500 公里,可對日本和關島的美軍基地構成威脅。
- Some believe Pyongyang will coordinate the headline-grabbing missile test with Kerry's arrival.
- 一些人認為,平壤會選在克里抵達韓國之際進行這次世人矚目的導彈試射。
- Seoul has said it expects the test to occur in the run-up to Monday's birthday celebration of North Korean founding leader Kim Il Sung.
- 首爾曾經表示,預計平壤將在下星期一慶祝朝鮮建國領導人金日成誕辰之前試射導彈。
- Meanwhile, U.S. officials are downplaying a U.S. intelligence report disclosed Thursday that suggested Pyongyang has succeeded miniaturizing a nuclear weapon.
- 與此同時,美國官員淡化處理星期四透露的一份情報報告,該報告稱平壤已經成功研制出小型核彈頭。
- The analysis, disclosed by a congressman Thursday during a routine budget hearing, said Washington defense officials are moderately confident the North has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles.
- 星期四,一名美國國會議員在一次例行預算聽證會上披露了這份分析報告的內容,分析報告說華盛頓的防務官員在某種程度上相信朝鮮擁有可以通過彈道導彈發射的核武器。