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四月份 第 09 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]

  • (2010-04-13) ------

  • Report: Iran to Join 'Nuclear Club' to Deter Attacks
  • 報導:伊朗將加入 “核陣營” 遏制襲擊
  •   Iran's Fars news agency reports that a senior Iranian nuclear official has declared that Tehran will join the "world nuclear club" within a month to deter possible attacks on the country.
  • 伊朗法斯通訊社報導說,伊朗一名高級核官員宣佈,伊朗將在一個月之內加入“世界核陣營”,從而遏制對伊朗可能發動的襲擊。

  •   In a report published Tuesday, Fars quotes the deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization as saying "no country would even think about attacking Iran" after it joins the nuclear club.
  • 在星期二刊登的報導中,法斯通訊社援引伊朗原子能組織副主席的話說,在伊朗加入核陣營後,“沒有國家敢對伊朗發動襲擊”。

  •   Fars also quotes the official, Behzad Soltani, as saying Iran plans to expand nuclear technology for "purposes other than energy and fuel production."
  • 法斯通訊社還引用官員蘇丹尼的話說,伊朗計劃將核技術的用途延伸到“能源和燃料生產”以外的地方。

  •   In the report, Soltani cites technology for preserving food as an example.
  • 在報導中,蘇丹尼以保存食品的技術作為例子。

  •   He did not elaborate further.
  • 他沒有詳細闡述這個問題。

  •   There was no immediate reaction from U.S. officials.
  • 美國官員對此還沒有立即做出回應。

  •   Washington and its allies accuse Iran of developing nuclear weapons under cover of a civilian energy program - a charge Tehran has denied repeatedly.
  • 美國及其盟國指責伊朗以民用能源項目作掩護發展核武器;伊朗多次否認此指控。


  • (2010-04-13) ------

  • Security Tight for Washington Nuclear Summit
  • 華盛頓核安全峰會戒備森嚴
  •   Areas of Washington have been shut down due to security measures designed to protect leaders from 47 nations gathered for the nuclear summit.
  • 為了保護參加核峰會的 47 個國家的領導人,美國首都華盛頓採取安全措施,一些地方禁止行人車輛通過。

  •   Security officials closed a number of streets around the conference site hours before the summit began Monday.
  • 星期一,在峰會開幕前幾小時,安全官員封鎖了會場附近的許多街道。

  •   Snipers have been placed on rooftops and a security fence surrounds the site.
  • 狙擊手在屋頂就位,會場周圍架設了隔離網。

  •   Traffic in other parts of the city is halted as motorcades pass, while the city's subway is bypassing the convention center stop.
  • 華盛頓其他地方在摩托車隊經過時實行交通管制;會場附近的一個地鐵站被關閉。

  •   Areas near the conference center are off limits to pedestrians as well.
  • 行人也不得進入會議中心附近地區。

  •   A death was reported in an accident outside the secure perimeter.
  • 在會議安保範圍外發生一起事故,導致一人死亡。

  •   Police and military officials say a woman on a bicycle was killed late Monday when she was hit by a five-ton military vehicle that was moving forward to block traffic for a procession near the conference site.
  • 警察和軍方官員說,一名騎自行車的女子星期一晚上被一輛 5 噸重的軍用車輛撞死;這輛軍車當時正前往會場附近為一個車隊擋住交通。

  •   Officials say it is not clear who was at fault in the deadly crash. An investigation is under way.
  • 官員說,目前還不清楚這起致死事故的責任在誰,調查正在進行。


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