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十月份 第 04 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-10-05)------

  • 18 Children Die in China Landslide
  • 中國發生山體滑坡 18 名小學生遇難
  •   Chinese officials say all 18 elementary school students buried in a landslide in southwestern China on Thursday are dead, while one person is missing.
  • 中國官員說,西南部的雲南省星期四發生一起山體滑坡,被掩埋的 18 名小學生全部遇難,還有一人失蹤。

  •   Yilian county officials said the students were confirmed dead early Friday, about 18 hours after the landslide buried a school and three farmhouses in the village of Zhenhe.
  • 玉良縣官員說,這些學生星期五早上被證實死亡;在那 18 個小時之前,一場山體滑坡掩埋了鎮河村的一所學校和 3 處農舍。

  •   Officials said one person is missing and one was injured and is receiving treatment at a temporary medical station.
  • 官員們說,還有一人失蹤,一人受傷,傷者正在一個臨時醫務所接受治療。

  •   The government said the landslide blocked a river, and water pooled around the buried buildings, hampering rescue efforts and forcing the evacuation of around 800 people.
  • 當地政府說,山體滑坡堵塞了一條河流,在被掩埋的建築物附近形成堰塞湖,阻礙了營救行動,800 餘人被迫轉移。

  •   Officials said about 2,000 residents, police, medics and military personnel rushed to the scene to begin rescue efforts.
  • 官員們說,大約有 2000 居民、警察、醫護人員和部隊官兵趕往現場開展營救工作。


  • (2012-10-05)------

  • Re-Energized Romney Heads to Battleground States
  • 重獲活力的羅姆尼衝刺競選戰場州
  •   The re-energized presidential campaign of Mitt Romney hopes to capitalize on a strong debate performance with rallies in the battleground states of Virginia and Florida on Friday.
  • 精神百倍的共和黨總統候選人羅姆尼希望,星期五在競選戰場州維吉尼亞和佛羅里達舉行集會時,他在總統大選辯論中的突出表現能夠使其獲利。

  •   The Republican candidate, whose poll numbers were lagging before Wednesday's debate, told a crowd of supporters Thursday that President Barack Obama can no longer be trusted with the struggling U.S. economy.
  • 在星期三舉行的總統大選辯論前,羅姆尼的民調一直落後;星期四,他對一群支持者說,不能再信任歐巴馬總統有能力應對陷入困境的美國經濟。

  •   President Obama, who holds rallies at colleges in Virginia and Ohio on Friday, went on the attack, accusing his rival of changing his campaign positions to a more centrist perspective during the debate.
  • 歐巴馬總統星期五出席在維吉尼亞州和俄亥俄州的大學裏舉行的集會;歐巴馬攻擊他的對手,指責羅姆尼在辯論中改變立場,表現的觀點更傾向於中間立場。

  •   Opinion polls suggest that Mr. Romney won the first debate of the general election, which Nielsen ratings agency says was seen by over 67 million people. That represents an increase of 28 percent from the first debate in the 2008 presidential campaign.
  • 民調顯示羅姆尼贏得了首場辯論;根據尼爾森公司收視率調查顯示,有 6 千 7 百多萬人觀看了這場辯論,比 2008 年的首場總統大選辯論增加 28 %。

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