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2025.01.23 01:21
十一月份 第 10 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2012-11-13)------
- Head of US Forces in Afghanistan Under the Pentagon's Investigation
- 美國國防部調查駐阿美軍司令艾倫
- The U.S. Defense Department is investigating General John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, for alleged "inappropriate communications" with a woman involved in the scandal that led to the resignation of Central Intelligence Agency chief David Petraeus.
- 美國國防部正在調查美國駐阿富汗軍隊最高指揮官約翰‧艾倫將軍據稱與一名女子的 “不當聯絡”,這名女子涉及一樁導致美國中央情報局長彼得雷烏斯辭職的醜聞。
- A senior defense official said Tuesday that the Pentagon is reviewing more than 20,000 pages of emails and other communications between General Allen and Jill Kelley.
- 美國國防部一名高層官員星期二說,五角大廈正在審查艾倫將軍與吉爾‧凱利之間兩萬多頁的電子郵件以及其他形式的聯絡。
- The official did not specify the nature of the documents.
- 這名官員沒有具體說明這些文件的性質。
- Kelley is a friend of Petraeus, and it was her complaint to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about threatening emails from the woman with whom Petraeus had an affair that ultimately led to his resignation last Friday.
- 凱利是彼得雷烏斯的朋友,她曾向聯邦調查局報告一名女子向她發送帶有威脅性的電子郵件,而這名女子與彼得雷烏斯有婚外情,於是最終導致彼得雷烏斯於上星期五辭職。
- Pentagon spokesman George Little said the FBI brought the matter involving General Allen to the Defense Department Sunday, and that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has directed the department's inspector-general to investigate.
- 五角大廈發言人利特爾說,聯邦調查局星期天把有關艾倫將軍的問題告知國防部,隨後國防部長帕內塔責成國防部總檢察長展開調查。
- General Allen has denied any wrongdoing, and will retain his command position in Afghanistan while the probe continues.
- 艾倫將軍否認自己有任何不當行為,在調查進行期間,他將繼續擔任駐阿美軍司令。
- (2012-11-13)------
- US Weighing Troop Plans for Post-2014 Afghanistan
- 美國考慮 2014 年後的阿富汗駐軍計劃
- U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the Pentagon and the White House are discussing what presence the U.S. military will have in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of combat troops in 2014.
- 美國國防部長帕內塔說,五角大廈和白宮正在商討 2014 年從阿富汗撤出戰鬥部隊後美國在阿富汗的軍事存在問題。
- Panetta told reporters Monday aboard a military aircraft traveling to Australia that the head of the U.S.-led NATO coalition in Afghanistan, General John Allen, has presented plans to support counter-terrorism and training for Afghan forces.
- 星期一,帕內塔在乘坐軍用飛機前往澳大利亞途中對記者說,駐阿富汗北約聯軍司令艾倫將軍提交了有關支持反恐和訓練阿富汗軍隊的計劃。
- The United States and Afghanistan signed a strategic partnership agreement in May outlining the future relationship between the two countries.
- 美國和阿富汗今年 5 月簽署一項戰略夥伴關係協議,概要說明了兩國未來的關係。
- It does not specify any specific troop presence, but pledges American aid for Afghanistan for at least a decade after international combat troops leave the country.
- 這項協議沒有具體規定美國駐軍人數,但保證美國在國際戰鬥部隊撤離阿富汗的至少 10 年內為阿富汗提供援助。