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2025.02.08 01:37
十一月份 第 10 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-11-13)------
- Kerry to Urge No New Iran Sanctions as Talks Continue
- 克里:不要在談判之際對伊朗實施新制裁
- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will caution lawmakers Wednesday against imposing new sanctions against Iran while international negotiations over its nuclear program continue.
- 星期三,美國國務卿克里將告誡國會議員們,在國際社會繼續就伊朗核項目進行談判之際,不要對伊朗實行新制裁。
- Kerry is scheduled to brief the Senate banking committee, and State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki says he will express that enacting new sanctions at this time would be a mistake.
- 按照預定日程,克里星期三將向美國國會參議院財政委員會通報有關情況;美國國務院發言人說,克里將指出此時對伊朗實行新制裁會是一個錯誤。
- Officials from both Iran and the P5+1 group that includes the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany have expressed optimism about their latest round of negotiations, despite failing so far to agree on a deal. The talks will continue next week.
- 儘管有關各方到目前為止尚未就協議內容達成一致,伊朗以及 “五常加一” 六國的官員們都對最近一輪談判持樂觀態度;“五常加一” 包括美國、英國、法國、中國、俄羅斯和德國;談判將於下星期繼續進行。
- (2013-11-13)------
- US Carrier Group to Arrive in Philippines Wednesday
- 美國航母艦群將在星期三駛抵菲律賓
- The USS George Washington arrives Wednesday in the typhoon-hit central Philippines to help bring aid to many remain who remain desperate for food and other basic necessities.
- 美國航空母艦 “喬治‧華盛頓號” 星期三駛抵菲律賓中部颱風災區沿海海域,為亟需食物和其他基本生活必需品的大批災民提供援助。
- The aircraft carrier is helping rush emergency supplies to the city of Tacloban, which was almost completely destroyed Friday by one of the strongest typhoons ever recorded.
- “喬治‧華盛頓號” 航母協助向塔克洛班市緊急運送救援物資;上星期五,這座城市幾乎被有記錄以來的最強颱風全部摧毀。
- The carrier is part of a team of ships that will be able to produce millions of liters of drinking water daily.
- “喬治‧華盛頓號” 航空母艦和其他美國艦隻每天將提供數百萬升飲用水。
- They are also carrying helicopters and other special aircraft needed to bring life-saving supplies to remote areas.
- 艦隊運載的直升機和特種飛機將為偏遠地區運送拯救生命的物資。
- VOA's Steve Herman, speaking from Manila, says the situation is still "quite grim" in Tacloban, but that relief will soon start flowing faster.
- 美國之音記者赫爾曼在馬尼拉報導說,塔克洛班的局勢 “相當嚴峻”,但救援工作不久將加速進行。