現在線上人數 119人
2025.02.08 02:06
十一月份 第 13 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-11-18)------
- Indonesia Recalls Ambassador to Australia Amid Spying Claims
- 因傳澳大利亞監聽 印尼召回駐澳大使
- Indonesia has recalled its ambassador to Australia after claims that Australian spy agencies tried to listen to phone conversations of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
- 印度尼西亞召回駐澳大利亞大使,之前印尼聲稱澳大利亞情報部門企圖監聽印尼總統蘇西洛的電話。
- Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said Monday that the envoy is being called back to Jakarta for "consultations" after secret documents leaked by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden named the president, his wife and senior ministers as targets of the surveillance.
- 印尼外長馬爾迪星期一說,駐澳大利亞大使回國是為了就這一事件進行磋商。美國國家安全局前合同工斯諾登洩露的機密文件說,澳大利亞情報部門對印尼總統夫婦和一些高級部長進行監聽。
- The minister called the situation, "an unfriendly, unbecoming act between strategic partners."
- 印尼外長說,這是戰略夥伴關係之間一個 “不友好和不適當的行動”。
- The recall comes amid already heightened diplomatic tensions over claims that the Australian and U.S. embassies in Jakarta were involved in general spying on Indonesia.
- 最近有關澳大利亞和美國駐雅加達使館捲入在印尼間諜活動的指稱導致外交關係緊張。
- (2013-11-18)------
- Gunmen Kill Egyptian Security Official
- 埃及安全官員遭暗殺
- Gunmen have killed an Egyptian national security official who was in charge of monitoring the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.
- 槍手打死了一名負責監視伊斯蘭主義的穆斯林兄弟會的埃及國家安全官員。
- Officials say the gunmen shot Mohamed Mabruk seven times late Sunday outside his home in eastern Cairo.
- 埃及當局說,穆罕默德.麥布魯剋星期日晚上在開羅東部的住所外連中七槍身亡。
- There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
- 目前還沒有人出面對襲擊承擔責任。
- Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi condemned the shooting Monday, saying the government will not tolerate criminal and terrorist acts.
- 埃及總理貝卜拉維星期一譴責了星期一的槍擊行動,說政府決不會容忍犯罪和恐怖主義行動。
- The shooting comes days after Egypt ended a three-month curfew and state of emergency, which the government imposed during a bloody crackdown against the Brotherhood and supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi.
- 埃及最近結束了在血腥鎮壓穆兄會和前總統穆爾西的支援者後實行了三個月的宵禁和緊急狀態。