第五部 第19課:請重複跟讀,直到可以於聲音檔的留空之間順暢唸完整句為止。 (首先:可看著例句的文字跟讀。 最後:不看例句的文字亦可順暢地完成跟讀。)

- city
- [名 詞] 都市, 城市.
- Taipei is a famous city in the world.
- 台北是全世界知名的都市.
- [形容詞] 都市的, 城市的.
- I like country life, but she likes city life.
- 我喜歡鄉村生活, 但是她喜歡都市生活.
- class
- [名 詞] 班級, 年級, 等級, 課程.
- We will have an English class tomorrow.
- 我們明天會有一堂英文課.
- All the students in my class are friendly.
- 我們班上所有的學生都很友善.
- [動 詞] 分級, 分類.
- [口 語] 高質量, 出色的風度.
- classmate
- [名 詞] 同班同學.
- She was my classmate in the elementary school.
- 她是我小學的同班同學.
- I saw my old classmate last week. She is as boring as ever.
- 上星期我遇見我的老同學, 她還是像以前一樣沒趣.
- classroom
- [名 詞] 教室.
- There are twenty nine students in the classroom.
- 教室裡有 29 個學生.
- Take off your hat when you enter a classroom.
- 當你進入教室時請脫下 (你的) 帽子.
- climb
- [動 詞] 登上, 攀緣向上, 上升.
- They had to climb a wall six feet high.
- 他們必需爬上一個六英尺高的圍牆.
- [名 詞] 攀登, 攀爬.
- The climb was harder than I thought.
- 這次的爬山比我想像的還要困難.