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2025.01.18 15:45
第十七部 第二課: no show , lala land
- 李華告訴 Larry 說,她跟一個學生約好,十點在她的辦公室見面,談談這個學生的成績,可以這個學生沒有赴約。李華今天要學兩個常用語 no show 和 lala land。
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- So, you made an appointment with this student to talk about his grades, and he was a no show?
- A no show? 對呀,他沒來,沒有出現,所以叫no show。這種說法簡潔明瞭。
- Right, a no show is some one who doesn't show up when they have agreed to. But, it is really rude to be a no show.
- 確實不禮貌。我專門跑到辦公室來,等了他好長時間,誰知道他卻是個no show。
- So, he didn't even call you to tell you that he wasn't going to come? It is even ruder to be a no show and not have called to let the person know you can't come.
- 對呀,不來就已經很不禮貌了,連個電話都不打,就更不禮貌了。說實話,我挺意外的,因為這個學生看起來不像是那麼不懂事的人。
- Well, maybe something unexpected happened to him. There might be a good reason why he was a no show.
- 失約還有什麼好理由嗎?
- Well, maybe he was a no show because his car broke down, or he got lost, or even worse maybe he had an accident.
- 是呀,我怎麼就沒想到呢。他的車可能會在半路拋錨。還有他可能會迷路。更可怕的是,還可能會出車禍。我本來挺生氣的,讓你這麼一說,我反而開始替他擔心了。
- I remember one time when I was in college I made an appointment with a professor and ended up being a no show because my car ran out of gas.
- 什麼,車跑到半路沒油了?你那個教授肯定火冒三丈。那後來呢?
- I felt so bad about being a no show, the first thing I did when I got to a phone was call the professor and apologize.
- 打電話道歉?那我們再等等吧,也許過一會兒我的學生就會打電話來了。
- Have you ever been a no show for anything, Li Hua?
- 倒是有一次,我的鬧鐘沒響,所以睡過了頭,結果沒去上課。
- That's not so bad. Lots of students are no shows for classes.
- 不好意思的是,那是我教的一門課。(Phone rings) 等等,我接一下電話。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hey, was that your student? Did he have a good reason for being a no show or was he just in lala land?
- 打電話的就是那個學生。你為什麼會覺得他在lala land呢?Lala land在哪呀?
- Lala land isn't a real place. It is a state of mind. It is where you go when you are day dreaming and not paying attention to the things going on in the real world.
- 我明白了,lala land不是一個地方,而是仙境、幻境的意思,做白日夢就是去了 "lala land"。這樣說來,那個學生確實是去了lala land。
- Really?! He was off in lala land when he forgot his appointment with you?
- 沒錯,他當時正在跟朋友吃飯,完全忘記了跟我約好要見面。
- Yes, it sounds like he was in lala land. So what did you say when he told you this?
- 雖然我知道「忘了」不能算是失約的理由,但我還是很高興他能打電話來道歉,誰都有忘事的時候。換句話說,大家可能都到過lala land。
- That's right. Just last week I was a no show for a haircut appointment because I was off in Lala land.
- 還有更好笑的。昨天我監考,有個學生走過來問我問題。
- Let me guess, you were so far off in lala land, you didn't even know the student was there!
- 你怎麼知道的!我當時確實有點兒心不在焉,那個學生碰了一下我的肩膀才讓我醒過神來。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 no show,意思是失約。另外一個是 lala land,意思是身處幻境,心不在焉。