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2025.01.18 14:18
第十七部 第十四課: eat my dust , sore loser
- Larry 和李華在紐約參加長跑比賽。李華今天要學兩個常用語,eat my dust 和 sore loser.
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- It's a good thing you've been training for this race, Li Hua. But you are still going to eat my dust.
- Eat your dust? Yuck. 吃你的土?這是什麼意思啊!
- When someone says ''eat my dust," they are saying to their competitors in a race situation that they are confident they are going to win the race, leaving everyone else far behind.
- 贏比賽跟讓別人吃土又有什麼關係呢?
- Well, when you run, you kick up dust from the road. So, if I run very fast and you are behind me, you'll be getting my dust in your face - and eating my dust.
- 噢,我明白了,跑在前面的人掀起的塵土,會落在後面人的臉上,原來是從這兒來的。不過,Larry, 我為今天的比賽已經訓練兩個多月了,也許你會eat my dust呢!
- But I've been running for years, and I've been in many races. And most of the time, the other runners end up eating my dust.
- 那也許你能像環法自行車大賽七連冠阿姆斯特朗一樣,讓其他人都ate his dust.
- Now that I think about it, Li Hua, I prefer to think of myself as the cheetah of the running world. As the fastest animal on land, all the other animals eat the cheetah's dust.
- 你還真自信!大話說出來,可千萬別落在別人後面噢。
- Actually, Li Hua. I am just joking. I'm not really the cheetah of the running world. There are so many runners in this race, I am pretty sure I will be eating someone else's dust.
- 輸贏並不重要,重在參與嘛!
- You are right, Li Hua. And since this is a race for charity, it doesn't matter if you eat my dust - or I eat yours. In the end, everybody wins.
- 對呀,比賽收益全都要用來幫助無家可歸的人。Okay, Larry. 準備好,你要eat my dust了!
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- Whew! That was a great race. Even though I didn't place, I'm pretty happy about my overall time. I'm just disappointed by the guy who placed second - what a sore loser!
- Hmmm...得第二名的那個人好像特別不高興,又跺腳,又揮拳頭,嘴裡還罵罵咧咧的。你說,這就叫sore loser嗎?
- Yes, He clenched his fists and stomped around, saying things that weren't very nice. That is a sore loser!
- 在中文裡,我們說這種人輸不起。
- But I don't know why he was being such a sore loser, to place second out of the hundreds of people participating in the race should be something to celebrate.
- 就是啊。我要是得了第二名,一定樂死了。這種輸不起的人,讓所有人都覺得掃興。
- It's true. Do you remember when you were a kid, Li Hua - and you were playing a game? If one of the kids started acting like a sore loser, the game wasn't so fun anymore.
- 我當然記得。小孩子都不願意輸。我有個外甥,一輸就哭鼻子。
- Yeah, but most people grow up and become adults - and grow out of being sore losers.
- 但是有的人就是長不大,我就見過很多sore loser.
- That is true. I'm trying really hard not to be a sore loser myself.
- 你怎麼會是sore loser呢?
- Well, I am kind of embarrassed that you beat me in the race, Li Hua. Especially since I told you that you were going to eat my dust. But I am not going to be a sore loser - I'm proud of you and how well you did in the race.
- 噢,原來是因為這個。謝謝你,Larry, 我確實花了很多時間為這次比賽做準備。
- Say, maybe we should celebrate the outcome by racing over to the ice cream store for an ice cream cone!
- 好啊!但是你肯定會eat my dust, 你知道我一見冰激凌就沒命了。
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- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 eat my dust, 是輸給我的意思。另一個是 sore loser, 是指輸不起的人。