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2025.01.16 22:57
第六部 第一課: to get one's back up , to scratch one's back
- 當一隻貓生氣的時候,它往往把它的背拱起來,嘴巴裡還發出呼呼的聲音,顯得它隨時準備施展它那爪子的威力.美國一個常用語就出自貓的這種形像. 這個常用語就是:“to get one's back up”,To get one's back up 就是 “生氣” 的意思.下面這句話是一個妻子在說他的丈夫:
- One thing really gets my back up -- the way my husband leaves his clothes on the bed or on the floor so I have to pick them up all the time.
- 她說:“我丈夫總是把衣服往床上、地上亂扔,我老得把它們揀起來,真叫我生氣。”
- 可是,妻子的批評使做丈夫的很生氣.他對朋友說:
- And there's one thing that really gets my back up: my wife nagging at me to hang my clothes up as soon as I walk in the house at night after a hard day at the office.
- 他說:“每天在辦公室辛苦地工作了一天,可是晚上一走進家門,我老婆就開始嘮叨,要我把衣服掛好.這實在讓我生氣。”
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- 要是你覺得背上某一個地方癢癢,而你自己又抓不到,這是很難受的.在這種情況下,最好有人替你抓一下.美國人有一個普遍的說法,那就是:“to scratch one's back”,To scratch one's back 從字面上來看就是 “抓某人的背”.它的真正含義是:“某人幫了你一下忙,而這個幫你忙的人也期望你下回幫他的忙”.因此,to scratch one's back 實際上就是:“這回你幫我忙,下回我就幫你的忙”.例如,一個參議員對他的高級助手說:
- This senator from the 11th district scratched my back when he voted for my bill to cut state income taxes, so it's my turn to do him a favor and vote for that bill for more money for roads in his district.
- 這位參議員說:“上回在投票通過我提出的有關裁減州所得稅的提案時,第十一選區的參議員投了我一票,幫了我的忙.所以,現在是該我幫他的忙的時候了,我得投票贊成為他的選區修建公路增加撥款的提案。”
- 這種現象在政客當中很普遍,但是做買賣的也要相互給好處,請聽這位推銷員說的話:
- In my business it's important to scratch each other's back. Say a customer does me a favor by giving me an extra big order. The next time he's in town I might take him out to dinner and a Broadway show."
- 這位推銷員說:“幹我們這一行,相互幫忙是很重要的.要是一位顧客訂了特別大的一批貨,幫了我的忙.下回他再到這個城市來的時候,我可能就得請他吃晚飯和到百老匯去看演出。”