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2025.02.15 14:39
一月份 第 07 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2014-01-09) ------
- China: Abe Taking Japan Down “Very Dangerous Path”
- 中國:安倍將日本引向危險道路
- China's United Nations envoy has lashed out at Japan, accusing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of taking the country down a "very dangerous path" by visiting a controversial war shrine.
- 中國常駐聯合國代表劉結一對日本進行抨擊,指責安倍晉三首相參拜靖國神社,把日本引向一條 “非常危險的” 道路。
- Liu Jieyi told reporters late Wednesday Mr. Abe was in effect "siding with war criminals" by visiting Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, which he said "whitewashes and glorifies aggression."
- 劉結一星期三晚間對記者說,安倍晉三參拜位於東京的靖國神社,實際上是與戰犯們站在了一邊。他表示,靖國神社 “粉飾和美化” 侵略行為。
- He called on the international community to issue a warning that Mr. Abe "must correct his erroneous outlook of history, he must correct his mistakes and he must not slip further down the wrong path."
- 劉結一敦促國際社會發出警告,要求安倍 “必須糾正其錯誤的歷史觀,必須改正錯誤,絕不能在錯誤道路上走得更遠”。
- In response, Japan's U.N. Ambassador Motohide Yoshikawa said Mr. Abe's visit was not to pay homage to war criminals or praise militarism, but was to pay respects to Japan's war dead.
- 日本常駐聯合國代表吉川元偉對此做出回應說,安倍參拜靖國神社並非向戰犯致敬或讚揚軍國主義,而是向日本的戰爭死難者表示敬意。
- He also renewed the prime minister's call for direct talks with China over the issue, which is the latest irritant in the increasingly tense China-Japan relationship. China has rejected the proposal.
- 吉川元偉還重申了安倍晉三有關與中國方面就這一問題進行直接對話的提議,中國已經拒絕了安倍的建議;中日兩國關係日趨緊張,安倍參拜靖國神社是導致中日關係惡化的最新因素。
- (2014-01-09) ------
- Rodman Apologizes for Comments on US Citizen Held in NKorea
- 羅德曼為評論被囚朝鮮的美國傳道士道歉
- Retired American basketball star Dennis Rodman, who is on a self-described "basketball diplomacy" trip to North Korea, has apologized for an incoherent, profanity-filled rant in which he appeared to blame a U.S. citizen for being held by Pyongyang.
- 退役美國籃球明星羅德曼對自己一段充滿髒話的議論表示歉意,他在發表這番議論時看起來是在指責一位被平壤拘押的美國公民;羅德曼目前在朝鮮,他自稱這是一次 “籃球外交” 之旅。
- In a statement through a publicist, Rodman said Thursday he takes "full responsibility" for his comments, which he said "embarrassed a lot of people."
- 羅德曼星期四通過公關人士發表聲明說,他為自己的這番討論負 “全部責任”,並說這番評論 “使很多人感到難堪”。
- He said it had been a "stressful day" and he had been drinking before the live interview with CNN.
- 他(羅德曼) 表示,那是壓力很大的一天,他在接受美國有線電視新聞網即時採訪之前一直在喝酒。
- In the Tuesday interview, the 52-year-old Rodman seemed to imply Korean-American missionary Kenneth Bae deserved his sentence of 15 years hard labor in the North.
- 在星期二接受採訪時,現年 52 歲的羅德曼看來在暗示被朝鮮當局判處 15 年監禁的韓裔美國傳教士裴俊浩是罪有應得。
- Puffing a cigar, Rodman asked the CNN anchor, "Do you understand what he did in this country?"
- 羅德曼一邊吸雪茄,一邊問美國有線電視新聞網主持人:“你了解他在這個國家的所做所為嗎?”
- The comments received widespread criticism. His mother, Myunghee Bae, told VOA ((Korean service)) she was "very disappointed" by Rodman's statement and said he should do more to push for his release.
- 羅德曼的評論招致廣泛批評;裴俊浩的母親對美國之音說,她對羅德曼的評論感到失望,並說羅德曼應當為爭取裴俊浩獲釋做出更大努力。