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2025.02.15 15:23
一月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2014-01-22) ------
- China Experiences Major Internet Outage; Cause Unclear
- 中國網路大規模癱瘓 原因不詳
- A major Internet outage in China has resulted in users being redirected to the website of a United States-based company that aims to circumvent Chinese web censorship.
- 中國網際網路星期二(1 月 21 日)發生大規模癱瘓,用戶被自動轉到總部在美國的動態網公司為規避中國網路審查而設立的網頁。
- Analysts are still unclear about what led to the issue, which lasted for several hours on Tuesday.
- 這次網路癱瘓持續了幾小時;分析人士到目前為止仍不清楚造成問題的原因。
- The government-run China Internet Network Information Center blamed the outage on a server malfunction. But the official Xinhua news agency reported the incident may have been caused by hackers.
- 政府經營的中國網際網路資訊中心說,這次狀況是伺服器故障造成的,而官方的新華社說,這一事件有可能是網路攻擊造成的後果。
- Many of the millions of affected users were redirected to the site of Dynamic Internet Technology.
- 數以百萬計的網路用戶受到了影響,很多網民一上網就被自動轉入 “動態網公司” (DIT) 的網頁。
- The company sells anti-censorship tools to companies including the Falun Gong, a religious sect banned in China.
- 這個公司向被中國政府取締的法輪功以及其他公司出售翻越防火牆的網路工具。
- DIT, whose website is blocked in China, denied responsibility, suggesting the cause for the outage was on the Chinese end.
- 動態網公司的網站在中國被封;該公司否認有任何責任關係,並示意說,網路癱瘓源頭在中國一端。
- China blocks access to many overseas websites, including Facebook, Twitter, and most major foreign news outlets, viewing them as a threat to the Communist Party's grip on power.
- 中國當局封鎖很多海外網站,包括臉書、推特以及多數外國重要新聞網站;當局將這些網站看成是對共產黨統治的威脅。
- (2014-01-22) ------
- Assad's Future Sparks Sharp Debate at Syrian Peace Conference
- 阿薩德去留問題在敘利亞和平會議引起激辯
- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's political future has been a divisive issue as delegations from more than 30 countries, the United Nations and Syria's warring sides meet for a long-awaited peace conference in Switzerland.
- 來自 30 多個國家、聯合國以及敘利亞交戰方的代表團在瑞士召開期盼已久的和平會議,敘利亞總統巴沙爾‧阿薩德的政治未來從一開始便成為引起分歧的話題。
- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry sharply criticized the Syrian government Wednesday, saying the country's crisis began as soldiers used "increasing force" against peaceful demonstrations.
- 美國國務卿約翰‧克里星期三尖銳批評了敘利亞政府;他說,在敘利亞危機剛開始的時候,政府軍針對和平示威使用武力並不斷加劇。
- He said that because the government and opposition differ on Mr. Assad's fate, the Syrian leader cannot be a part of a mutually agreed transitional government.
- 他說,由於敘利亞政府和反對派在阿薩德何去何從的問題上有分歧,一個經過雙方同意組建的過渡政府不能有他的位置。
- "There is no way, no way possible in the imagination that the man who has led the brutal response to his own people could regain the legitimacy to govern."
- 克里說:“根本就不可能想像,一個領頭殘暴對付本國人民的人,能夠重新獲得執政的合法性。”
- Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem told Kerry that only Syrians have the right to choose their president.
- 敘利亞外長瓦立德‧穆阿里姆對克里說,只有敘利亞人才有權選擇他們的總統。
- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also reiterated his country's stance that other nations should not have a say in Syria's affairs.
- 俄羅斯外長謝爾蓋‧拉伕羅夫也重申了俄方的立場,也就是敘利亞事務不能由其他國家說了算。