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2025.02.08 00:49
十月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]
- (2007-10-25)------
- UN Report: Air Pollution Remains a Concern for 2008 Beijing Olympics
- 聯合國報告:空氣污染仍為 2008 年北京奧運憂慮
- A newly released United Nations report on the environment in China's capital warns that air pollution remains a concern for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
- 聯合國新公佈的有關中國首都環境的一份報告警告說,空氣污染依然是 2008 年北京奧運會令人擔心的問題。
- The report, released Thursday in Beijing by the U.N. Environmental Program, notes China's "significant strides" to improve air quality and create a "Green Olympic Games."
- 聯合國環境規劃署星期四在北京公佈的報告提到,中國在改善空氣質量以及創建「綠色奧運」方面邁出了「顯著的步伐」。
- But it also said pollution remains a legitimate concern for Olympic organizers, competitors and observers.
- 但是,報告同時說,污染依然是奧運組織者、運動員以及觀眾理應關注的問題。
- The report highlights some missed opportunities, while noting China's innovation in addressing environmental concerns.
- 報告在指出中國為解決環境憂慮所做改革的同時,特別提到一些失去的機會。
- According to the report, the average level of particulate matter - tiny particles in the air - in Beijing greatly exceeds World Health Organization levels.
- 根據這份報告,北京空氣中的微粒平均含量,大大地超過了世界衛生組織的標準。
- Concerns about air pollution were also on the agenda earlier this week when International Olympic Committee members held an inspection tour to monitor progress for the 2008 Olympics.
- 國際奧委會成員本星期早些時候進行實地考察、監測北京 2008 年奧運會準備進展情況時,對空氣污染的擔憂也列入討論議題。
- (2007-10-25)------
- US Home Sales Drop By Record Amount in September
- 美國 9 月份房屋銷售下跌創記錄
- A U.S. trade association says sales of previously owned homes declined to a record low in September, and experts predict the housing slump will get even worse.
- 美國一個商業協會說,二手房的銷售額 9 月份下降到創記錄的低點;專家預測,房屋市場的疲軟還會加劇。
- The National Association of Realtors Wednesday issued a report showing home sales dropped eight percent in September to an annual rate of about five million homes.
- 全美房地產經紀人協會星期三發佈的一篇報告顯示,房屋銷售 9 月份下滑 8 %,下降到相當於大約 500 萬棟房屋的年銷售量。
- That is the slowest pace since record-keeping began in 1999, and a steeper decline than experts expected.
- 這是 1999 年開始有記錄以來最慢的銷售速度,而且下降幅度超過了專家的預估。
- It raises the probability that the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee will decide to cut interest rates when it meets next week.
- 這提高了聯邦準備理事會公開市場委員會下星期開會時降息的可能性。
- Analysts predict the housing slump will continue for at least another year because of the continued effects of home foreclosures.
- 分析人士預測,由於很多房屋購買者失去償付能力致使房屋被收回,這會使房屋市場不景氣還會持續至少一年。