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2025.02.17 03:23
十月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-10-27)------
- French Ship Foils Pirate Attack
- 法國船隻擊退海盜襲擊
- The European Union's anti-piracy force says pirates attacked but failed to hijack a French-flagged ship off the coast of Tanzania Tuesday.
- 歐盟反海盜部隊說,海盜星期二在坦尚尼亞海岸外襲擊了一艘懸挂法國旗的船隻,但沒能將其劫持。
- The EU naval force says pirates boarded the liquified petroleum gas carrier Maido but were unable to get control of the crew, who locked themselves in the ship's "citadel," also known as a safe room.
- 歐盟海軍部隊說,海盜登上液化石油氣運輸船“邁多”,但沒能控制船員。
- It says pirates eventually abandoned the ship, and that the 14 crewmembers are reported to be safe.
- 船員們將自己鎖在船的“堡壘”中,也就是一間安全的房屋;據稱,海盜最終放棄了船隻,14 名船員據報安全。
- The crew of a German-owned cargo ship used a similar tactic to prevent pirates from taking control of their vessel near Somalia on Sunday.
- 星期天,一艘德國貨船的船員利用類似策略阻止了海盜在索馬利亞附近控制他們的船隻。
- Ships traveling near Somalia have increasingly taken measures to protect themselves against pirate attacks.
- 在索馬利亞附近行駛的船隻越來越多地採取措施保護自己免受海盜襲擊。
- Some ships carry armed guards, while others prepare the safe rooms, where crews can lock out pirates and disable the ship's propulsion system.
- 一些船隻載有武裝警衛,另一些船隻設置安全房間,船員在房間內可以將海盜鎖在門外,並停止船舶的推進系統。
- (2010-10-27)------
- Kenya FM Steps Aside in Property Scandal
- 肯亞外交部長涉嫌地產醜聞下臺
- Kenya's foreign minister says he is stepping aside so investigators can examine a foreign property scandal involving his ministry.
- 肯亞外交部長摩西‧韋坦古拉說他將辭職,以便調查人員可以調查一個有關他主持的外交部涉嫌外交財產的醜聞。
- Moses Wetangula told reporters Wednesday that he will temporarily leave his post to make room for the investigation.
- 星期三韋坦古拉對記者們表示,他暫時離職,以便當局調查。
- The foreign minister said he is innocent of any wrongdoing, and predicted that he will return.
- 這位外交部長說他自己是無辜的,沒有做錯任何事情;他還預言他會復職的。
- Earlier Wednesday, Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi also stepped aside because of the scandal.
- 星期三早些時候,肯亞外交部常任秘書姆萬吉也因同一醜聞辭職。
- Lawmakers are debating a report that says foreign ministry officials cost Kenya millions of dollars in questionable property deals involving the country's embassies in Pakistan, Egypt, Belgium, Japan and Nigeria.
- 肯亞議員正就一份報告進行辯論;這份報告指稱外交部官員在涉及肯亞駐巴基斯坦、埃及、比利時、日本和尼日利亞使館的有問題的地產交易中導致肯亞損失數百萬美元。
- The report called for both officials to stand trial on corruption charges.
- 這份報告要求這兩位官員就腐敗的指控接受審判。
- Kenya's Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act requires public officials facing corruption charges to step aside until the charges are cleared.
- 肯亞的反腐敗和經濟犯罪法要求受到腐敗指控的官員離職,直到指控被證明無罪之後才能復職。
- President Mwai Kibaki would otherwise be required by law to suspend them.
- 如果他們不離職,法律要求總統中止他們的職務。
- Kenya has been plagued by widespread corruption despite repeated government vows to deal with the problem.
- 儘管肯亞政府一再誓言要打擊腐敗問題,但是腐敗現象仍然十分普遍。
- Corruption watchdog Transparency International ranked Kenya 154th out of 180 countries in its 2010 corruption perceptions index, released Tuesday.
- 根據監督腐敗的透明國際星期二公佈的 2010 年腐敗印象指數,肯亞的清廉度在 180 個國家中排名第 154 位。