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十一月份 第 09 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2006-11-13)------

  • South Korea Refuses to Fully Uphold UN Sanctions on North Korea
  • 韓國拒絕全面執行聯合國對北韓制裁措施
  •   South Korea is refusing to fully uphold U.N. sanctions imposed on North Korea following the country's nuclear test.
  • 韓國拒絕全面執行聯合國在北韓核試驗後對北韓實施的制裁措施。

  •   A deputy foreign minister said Monday Seoul will not join a U.S.-led initiative to inspect North Korean cargo at sea, as stipulated in the U.N. sanctions.
  • 韓國一位副外長星期一表示,首爾不參加美國按照聯合國制裁措施制定的在公海對北韓貨船實施檢查的行動。

  •   Seoul has said it is already taking other measures to control weapons of mass destruction.
  • 首爾表示,已經採取了其它措施來控制大規模殺傷性武器。

  •   South Korea says it does not want to trigger naval clashes with North Korean ships, and has maintained a policy of engagement with Pyongyang since last month's nuclear test.
  • 韓國表示不願意引發與北韓船隻在海上的衝突; 韓國在平壤上個月試驗核武器以後一直保持與北韓接觸的政策。

  •   Under international pressure, North Korea has agreed to return to talks on dismantling its nuclear program.
  • 在國際社會的壓力之下,北韓已同意目的在於解除其核武器的會談。

  •   The discussions involve South Korea, China, Japan, the United States and Russia.
  • 參加會談的國家還有韓國、中國、日本、美國和俄羅斯。

  •   The Russian ambassador to Japan said in Tokyo Monday the talks could resume as soon as next month.
  • 俄羅斯駐日本大使星期一在東京表示,會談最早可能下個月就能恢復。


  • (2006-11-13)------

  • South Ossetia Voters Support Independence from Georgia in Referendum
  • 南奧塞梯選民在全民公決中贊成從格魯吉亞獨立
  •   Voters in Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia have overwhelmingly voted in favor of independence from Tbilisi.
  • 格魯吉亞執意分離的南奧塞梯地區選民以壓倒多數投票支持從第比利斯獨立出來。

  •   Election commission officials said Monday that Sunday's referendum was supported by 99 percent of voters in South Ossetia.
  • 選舉委員會的官員星期一說,星期天的全民公決得到了南奧塞梯 99 % 的選民支持。

  •   The region's leader, Eduard Kokoity, also claimed victory as its president.
  • 這一地區的領導人科科伊提宣佈勝利當選南奧塞梯總統。

  •   No country officially recognizes South Ossetia's independence or Kokoity as its president.
  • 沒有任何國家正式承認南奧塞梯獨立或承認科科伊提為南奧塞梯總統。

  •   Georgian authorities called the poll illegitimate, and accused Russia of supporting and encouraging the separatist movement.
  • 格魯吉亞當局稱這次全民公決是非法的,並且指責俄羅斯支持和鼓勵分離主義運動。

  •   NATO condemned the voting, saying it serves no purpose other than to increase tensions in the South Caucasus region.
  • 北約遣責這次投票,稱這次投票除了增加南高加索地區的緊張以外沒有任何作用。

  •   The alliance said the international community strongly reaffirms its support for the territorial integrity of Georgia.
  • 北約表示,國際社會強烈重申支持格魯吉亞領土完整。

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