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2024.12.13 08:14
十一月份 第 09 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-11-13)------
- French President To Meet with Dalai Lama in December
- 法總統 12 月將會見達賴喇嘛
- French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he will meet with the Dalai Lama next month during a visit to Poland.
- 法國總統薩科齊說,他將在下個月訪問波蘭期間與達賴喇嘛會面。
- Mr. Sarkozy today (Thursday) said Tibetans have the right to freedom, not suppression -- an open criticism of China's policy toward the region.
- 薩科齊星期四說,西藏人有享受自由的權力而不受壓迫,這是公開批評中國對西藏地區實行的政策。
- The meeting is highly anticipated after some critics accused Mr. Sarkozy of snubbing the Dalai Lama in August, during the Tibetan leader's visit to France.
- 一些批評人士指稱薩科齊在達賴喇嘛 8 月訪問法國時給予冷遇之後,外界高度期待薩科齊和達賴喇嘛的這次會面。
- Mr. Sarkozy and the Tibetan spiritual leader will be in Warsaw December sixth to mark the 25th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize given to Poland's former president Lech Walesa.
- 薩科齊和西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛都將於 12 月 6 號在華沙參加紀念前波蘭總統瓦文薩獲得諾貝爾和平獎 25 週年的活動。
- China considers any high level talks with the Dalai Lama tantamount to interfering with its internal affairs.
- 中國認為任何與達賴喇嘛的高層會見都是干涉中國內政。
- China's government has accused the Dalai Lama trying to seek independence for Tibet.
- 中國政府指稱達賴喇嘛謀求西藏獨立。
- (2008-11-13)------
- China Agrees to Loosen Controls on Financial News Providers
- 中國同意放鬆對金融資訊提供商控制
- The United States, European Union and Canada have reached an agreement with China to loosen controls on financial news providers following a complaint at the World Trade Organization.
- 美國、歐盟和加拿大在向世界貿易組織提出申訴後與中國達成協定,放鬆對金融資訊提供商的控制。
- In a joint complaint filed in March, the U.S. and EU accused China of breaking global trade rules by giving its state-owned Xinhua news agency the right to oversee foreign financial news services.
- 美國和歐盟今年 3 月聯合提出申訴,指稱中國授權官方的新華社監管外國金融資訊機構,違反了世界貿易規則。
- China's regulations also prevented foreign media organizations from dealing directly with Chinese clients.
- 中國的規章還不准外國媒體直接與中國客戶打交道。
- According to the agreement, which was signed today (Thursday) in Geneva, Xinhua's monopoly will end by June 1st of next year.
- 按照星期四在日內瓦簽署的協議,新華社的壟斷將於明年 6 月 1 號結束。
- China will set up an independent regulator to replace Xinhua.
- 中國將設立一個獨立的管理機構,用以取代新華社。
- In a statement released today after the agreement was signed, the EU called the deal a "landmark agreement."
- 歐盟星期四在協議簽署後發表聲明說,這是一項具有里程碑意義的協議。