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2025.02.08 02:40
十一月份 第 09 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-11-11)------
- Currency Dispute Dominates Obama-Hu Meeting
- 貨幣爭端主導歐巴馬與胡錦濤的會談
- U.S. officials say a currency dispute with China dominated a meeting between President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao in Seoul.
- 美國官員說,與中國的貨幣爭端主導了美國總統歐巴馬和中國國家主席胡錦濤在首爾舉行的會談。
- The two leaders met privately in the South Korean capital Thursday before joining a summit of the Group of 20 major economies.
- 這兩位領導人星期四在參加 20 個主要經濟集團的峰會前在南韓首都私下會晤。
- A U.S. Treasury official said Mr. Obama noted the important of China continuing to move its exchange rate in line with market fundamentals.
- 美國財政部的一位官員說,歐巴馬提到了中國繼續讓人民幣的匯率向符合市場基本面移動的重要性。
- Washington accuses Beijing of keeping the yuan artificially weak to boost Chinese exports, and slowing down any move to let the Chinese currency strengthen.
- 華盛頓指責北京人為的保持人民幣疲軟,以此來推動中國的出口,以及放慢讓人民幣堅挺的任何舉措。
- Chinese officials say Mr. Hu told the U.S. president that Beijing has an "unswerving" commitment to make progress on reforming its exchange-rate system.
- 中國官員說,胡錦濤對歐巴馬總統說,北京“堅定不移的”致力於在匯率體制的改革上取得進展。
- But they quote Mr. Hu as saying such reform needs a "sound external environment," and can proceed only gradually.
- 但是他們援引胡錦濤的話說,這樣的改革需要一個“良好的外部環境”,而且只能循序漸進。
- (2010-11-11)------
- US-Korea Trade Deal Still Weeks Away
- 美韓簽訂貿易協議尚需數周
- The United States and South Korea have failed to bridge their differences on a free trade agreement, but say they still hope to complete a deal in the coming weeks.
- 美國和南韓未能彌合雙方在自由貿易協議問題上的分歧,但表示仍然希望在幾星期內達成一項協議。
- Earlier this month, U.S. President Barack Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak instructed their aides to try to resolve differences on the three-year-old trade pact before they met this week.
- 本月早些時候,美國總統歐巴馬和南韓總統李明博曾經指示各自的助手,在他們兩人本星期會晤之前設法解決圍繞持續了 3 年的貿易協議存在的分歧。
- But at a joint news conference Thursday in Seoul, the two leaders said more work is still needed.
- 但歐巴馬和李明博在星期四舉行的聯合記者會上表示,還需要做更多工作。
- Mr. Obama said the two have asked their negotiating teams to "work tirelessly" in the coming days and weeks, and that he is confident they will reach an agreement.
- 歐巴馬說,他和李明博總統要求本國的談判小組在今後幾天和幾星期裏“不知疲倦的工作”,並表示他對達成一項協議抱有信心。
- He said a successful deal will be a "win-win," providing benefits to the people of both countries.
- 他(歐巴馬) 還說,達成一項成功的協議將是“雙贏”的局面,有益於美韓兩國人民。