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2025.02.15 14:32
十一月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-11-26)------
- Chinese Official: More Than 1,000 Released After Tibet Riots
- 中國官員:西藏暴亂後千餘人獲釋
- A senior Chinese official says authorities have released more than one-thousand people detained during and after anti-government unrest in Tibet earlier this year.
- 中國一名高級官員說,有關當局已經釋放了在今年早些時候西藏反政府動亂期間和之後被拘捕的 1 千多人。
- The official Xinhua news agency today (Wednesday) quotes Zhu Weiqun, deputy head of the ministry handling relations with minorities, as saying that most of the rioters turned themselves in right after the unrest erupted into violence in March.
- 官方的新華社引用負責處理少數民族關係的統戰部副部長朱維群的話說,多數暴亂人員在 3 月份的暴力活動之後自首。
- He says the suspects had enjoyed all legitimate rights based on Chinese law.
- 他說,這些嫌疑人享有中國法律規定的所有合法權利。
- Xinhua also quoted Zhu as accusing Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, of turning a blind eye to violent activities during that period.
- 新華社還引用朱維群的話指責西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛無視那個時期的暴力活動。
- China launched a massive crackdown in response to the unrest, which Chinese officials say killed 22 people.
- 中國針對動亂發動大規模鎮壓;中國官員說,動亂造成 22 人死亡。
- Tibet's government-in-exile says 218 Tibetans were killed and nearly seven thousand were detained during the crackdown.
- 西藏流亡政府說,218 名西藏人被打死,大約 7 千人在鎮壓期間被拘捕。
- (2008-11-26)------
- China Postpones EU Summit to Protest Dalai Lama Visit
- 中國推遲與歐盟峰會抗議達賴喇嘛訪歐
- China has postponed a summit with the European Union next week in protest of a planned visit to Europe by Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.
- 中國推遲下個星期和歐盟舉行的峰會,抗議西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛計劃對歐洲的訪問。
- A statement today (Wednesday) from the EU says Chinese authorities made the decision because the Dalai Lama will be visiting several EU countries at the time of the summit.
- 歐盟星期三的一個聲明說,中國有關當局做出這個決定是因為達賴喇嘛將在峰會期間訪問幾個歐盟國家。
- The summit was originally scheduled to take place on December 1st.
- 峰會原定於 12 月 1 號舉行。
- In the statement, the EU said it regrets China's decision.
- 歐盟在聲明中說,對中國的決定表示遺憾。
- The EU stressed, however, that it plans to continue to promote its strategic partnership with Beijing at a time when the world's financial situation calls for close cooperation.
- 但是歐盟強調說,在世界金融局勢需要加強合作之際,它將繼續謀求和北京的戰略夥伴關係。
- Earlier this month, China warned that French President Nicolas Sarkozy's plans to meet with the Dalai Lama in Poland in December would hurt relations.
- 這個月早些時候,中國警告法國總統薩科齊準備 12 月在波蘭會見達賴喇嘛的計劃會損害雙邊關係。
- France holds the EU's rotating presidency until the end of next month.
- 法國擔任歐盟輪值主席國,直到下個月底。