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2025.02.15 14:50
十一月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-11-24)------
- Vatican Denounces Chinese Bishop Ordination
- 教廷譴責中國任命主教
- The Vatican has denounced the ordination of a Chinese bishop by a state-run church, saying it is a "grave violation of Catholic discipline."
- 教廷譴責中國官方教會任命一位中國主教,說這 “嚴重違反了天主教的行為準則”。
- In a statement Wednesday, the Vatican said the ordination of Reverend Joseph Guo Jincai was done despite objections from Pope Benedict.
- 教廷在星期三發表的一份聲明中說,郭金才神父被任命為主教,儘管教皇本篤反對這個任命。
- It said the pope received the news with "deep regret."
- 聲明說,教皇聽到這個消息時 “深感遺憾”。
- Jincai was ordained Saturday in the northern city of Chengde.
- 郭金才是星期六在河北省北部的承德市被任命的。
- The Vatican said the ordination places the city's Catholics in a "very delicate and difficult decision."
- 教廷說,這個任命使得這個城市的天主教徒不得不做出“非常棘手和困難的決定”。
- It also accused Chinese authorities of pressuring bishops to participate in the ceremony, which the Vatican said violated "freedom of religion and conscience."
- 聲明還譴責中國當局向主教們施壓,要求他們參加這個儀式;教廷說,這侵犯了“宗教和良知的自由”。
- China officially allows freedom of religion but requires groups to register with the government.
- 中國官方允許宗教自由,但是要求宗教團體向政府註冊。
- This has created conflicts with outside authorities like the Vatican, which disagrees with the government about who has the right to appoint bishops.
- 這個做法製造了像教廷這樣的外部權力機構的衝突;在誰有權任命主教的問題上,教廷同中國政府存在意見分歧。
- (2010-11-24)------
- Unstable Bridge Blamed for Cambodian Stampede
- 橋不穩導致柬埔寨發生踩踏事件
- A member of the government panel investigating a fatal stampede in Cambodia says the group has concluded the tragedy was caused by mass panic when an overcrowded bridge began to sway.
- 調查柬埔寨致命踩踏事件的政府小組的一位成員說,小組得出的結論是,這起悲劇是由於一個過於擁擠的橋發生搖晃導致人們恐慌而引起的。
- Mak Chito, an interior ministry official on the investigating committee, said in a television interview Wednesday that the panel will likely release an official statement in the next few days.
- 調查委員會的內政部官員馬奇托星期三接受電視採訪時說,調查小組可能在今後幾天發佈一個正式的聲明。
- He spoke on state-run Bayron TV.
- 他是在國營巴戎電視臺上說這番話的。
- Hundreds of people were on the narrow suspension bridge after attending a festival on an island in Phnom Penh.
- 悲劇發生時,數百人在金邊的一個島上參加了節日活動之後都試圖過一座狹窄的吊橋。
- Officials say 354 people were killed in the crush of bodies as people tried to get off of the bridge.
- 官員說,當人們都爭著下橋時發生擠壓,導致 354 人喪生。
- Officials earlier said 378 were killed, but they explained Wednesday that some of the bodies counted at hospitals had died of other causes.
- 柬埔寨官員早些時候說有 378 人死亡,但是他們星期三解釋說,在醫院裏統計的一些死者是死於其他原因。
- They said 395 people were injured.
- 他們說,有 395 人受傷。