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2025.02.15 16:13
十一月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-11-25)------
- Officials: Global Climate Treaty to be Delayed
- 巴塞隆納會議未能就氣候公約框架達成共識
- Senior officials from countries around the world have entered the last day of a climate conference in Barcelona (Spain) without an agreement on a blueprint for a new climate treaty.
- 在西班牙巴塞隆納舉行的國際氣候會議進入最後一天,但是各國官員未能就新的氣候公約框架達成共識。
- Delegates have been meeting in the Spanish coastal city for a week to work out a plan that would clear the way for more than 190 nations to sign an accord next month in Copenhagen.
- 與會代表已經進行了一周的會議,以制定出一個初步計劃,為超過 190 個國家下月在哥本哈根簽署該協議掃清道路。
- But a United Nations official (UN executive secretary of the Framework Convention on Climate Ivo de Boer) said Friday it may take another year to put in place a legally binding document.
- 但是聯合國氣候變化框架公約行政秘書星期五表示,要正式出台一份具有法律效力的文件恐怕還需要一年的時間。
- Negotiators will meet in the Danish capital to try to agree on a framework for the treaty, which would be finalized in 2010.
- 談判代表們下個月在丹麥首都哥本哈根商討新公約的框架,正式的公約會在 2012 年最終敲定。
- The current climate treaty, the Kyoto Protocol, expires in 2012.
- 現有的京都議定書 - 國際氣候公約將於 2012 年期滿失效。
- (2009-11-25)------
- US Unemployment Rate Soars, Hits 10.2 %
- 美失業率上升至 10.2 %
- The U.S. unemployment rate rose sharply to 10.2 percent in October, the highest level since 1983.
- 美國十月份的失業率竄升到 10.2 %,達到 1983 年以來的最高點。
- Friday's report from the Labor Department says U.S. employers cut fewer workers in October than the prior month, but the overall economy still lost 190,000 jobs.
- 美國勞工部星期五發表報告說,美國僱主 10 月份裁員減少,但是整個經濟失去了 19 萬個就業機會。
- While the unemployment rate is rising, the pace of layoffs has slowed from early this year, when nearly three-quarters of a million jobs were lost in January.
- 在失業率上升的同時,解雇的速度從今年年初開始放慢;一月份美國失去了近 75 萬個就業機會。
- Some economists worry that high unemployment is cutting the incomes of U.S. households, which will hurt the consumer spending that propels about 70 percent of the U.S. economy.
- 有些經濟學者擔心高失業率會導致家庭收入減少,從而影響到美國的消費,而美國經濟大約 70 % 都是靠消費推動的。
- The downbeat jobs report follows last week's data showing the U.S. economy expanding in July, August, and September, the first growth in more than a year.
- 上個星期的數據顯示,七、八、九三個月美國經濟擴張,這是一年多來首次增長。