第12部 第七課:請重複跟讀,直到可以於聲音檔的留空之間順暢唸完整句為止。 (首先:可看著例句的文字跟讀。 最後:不看例句的文字亦可順暢地完成跟讀。)

- swum
- [動 詞] 游, 游泳, 漂浮, 滑行. (swim 的過去分詞)
- Who else has swum today?
- 還有誰今天去游泳了?
- He has swum for two hours in the water, but he isn't tired.
- 他已經在水裡游了兩個小時了, 但他還不累.
- Taiwan
- [名 詞] 台灣.
- Many Americans teach English in Taiwan.
- 許多美國人在台灣教英文.
- Taiwan holds a special place in my heart.
- 台灣在我心中有很特別的地位.
- themselves
- [代名詞] 他們自己.
- You should have the students find out for themselves.
- 你應該讓學生們自己去探索.
- I like to go to the park and watch the children in the playground enjoy themselves.
- 我喜歡到公園去看在遊戲區裡快樂玩耍的小孩.
- Thursday
- [名 詞] 星期四.
- I want to see the show on Thursday, but the ticket is too expensive.
- 我想去看星期四的表演, 但門票太貴了.
- I will be here from Monday to Thursday.
- 我星期一到星期四都會在這裡.
- today
- [名 詞] 今天, 現在, 當今, 當代.
- What day is today? Do you know?
- 今天是星期幾? 你知道嗎?
- [副 詞] (在)今天, 當代.
- Today, almost every home has a TV.
- 現在每個家庭幾乎都有一台電視.