第12部 第16課:請重複跟讀,直到可以於聲音檔的留空之間順暢唸完整句為止。 (首先:可看著例句的文字跟讀。 最後:不看例句的文字亦可順暢地完成跟讀。)

- math
- [名 詞] 數學. (= mathematics)
- She is not good at math.
- 她對數學不行.
- Math is used all the time.
- 數學經常會被用到.
- mathematics
- [名 詞] 數學.
- Mathematics is her strong point.
- 數學是她的強項 (專長).
- People started using mathematics from early on.
- 人們從很早以前就開始運用數學.
- pizza
- [名 詞] 義大利肉餡餅, 比薩.
- We went for a pizza together at lunch time.
- 我們在午餐時一起去吃比薩.
- A pizza usually has cheese on it.
- 比薩的上面通常有起司.
- police
- [名 詞] 警察, 治安, 公安.
- Police are needed to keep us safe.
- 我們需要警察 (公安) 來維護治安.
- [動 詞] 維持 … 的治安, 守衛, 保衛, 監督.
- He was sent to police her.
- 他被派去監督她.
- polite
- [形容詞] 有禮貌的, 殷勤的, 文雅的, 上流的.
- It's not polite to talk with your mouth full.
- 嘴裡塞滿了食物講話是不禮貌的.
- You should be polite to others.
- 你應該要對人有禮貌.