第12部 第八課:請重複跟讀,直到可以於聲音檔的留空之間順暢唸完整句為止。 (首先:可看著例句的文字跟讀。 最後:不看例句的文字亦可順暢地完成跟讀。)

- Tuesday
- [名 詞] 星期二.
- Where were you on Tuesday? Were you in Taipei?
- 星期二你在哪裡? 你是在台北嗎?
- She will visit her mother next Tuesday.
- 她下個禮拜二會去探望她的母親.
- umbrella
- [名 詞] 傘, 雨傘, 傘形結構.
- The news says it's going to rain, so take your umbrella with you.
- 新聞報導說會下雨, 所以 (請) 帶著你的雨傘.
- Somebody left his umbrella behind.
- 有個人忘了帶走他的雨傘.
- Wednesday
- [名 詞] 星期三.
- My friend is going to be twenty next Wednesday.
- 下星期三我的朋友就要二十歲了.
- The meeting is to be held on Wednesday afternoon.
- 這個會議將在星期三下午舉行.
- yourself
- [代名詞] 你自己.
- Did you hurt yourself?
- 你弄傷了自己嗎?
- What would you say about yourself?
- 你對自己有什麼感想?
- yourselves
- [代名詞] 你們自己.
- You should take care of yourselves.
- 你們應該要自己多保重.
- You don't have to trouble yourselves.
- 你們不需要麻煩你們自己.