《《 「美國習慣用語 - 420」目錄 》》
[A,B] [C,D,E] [F,G] [H,I,J,K,L] [M,N,O,P,Q] [R,S] [T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z]- 本目錄是依字母由A至Z順序排列,其左側之兩個數值是表示[第幾部 - 第幾課]。
- 點按以下任一「習慣用語」即會連結至該課程的網頁。
- [T]
- 08-07: take a walk
- 01-05: throw cold water on something
- 02-03: take candy from a baby
- 05-11: throw for a loop
- 07-07: take one's hat off
- 04-14: throw one's hat in the ring
- 04-09: talk through one's hat
- 03-09: throw oneself at someone's feet
- 10-03: tax-and-spend liberal
- 05-04: throw the baby out with the bath water
- 03-19: teach a fish how to swim
- 05-04: throw to the wolves
- 05-02: tell someone off
- 09-04: to be caught with one's pants down
- 01-14: the cards are stacked against you
- 03-14: to bomb
- 02-06: the last laugh
- 03-07: to bug
- 08-14: the long and short of it
- 01-06: to hold water
- 02-07: the red carpet treatment
- 08-03: to know someone like a book
- 01-11: the shoe is on the other foot
- 03-07: to louse up
- 10-11: the time of his life
- 11-12: top banana
- 07-13: the works
- 11-12: top brass
- 07-03: the wrong side of the tracks
- 02-04: top gun
- 11-04: there's no such thing as a free lunch
- 09-05: touch base
- 07-11: thin-skinned
- 11-14: tough cookies
- 03-18: through the grapevine
- 04-13: turkey farm
- 05-11: throw a curve
- 06-17: turkey farm
- 05-05: throw a monkey wrench
- 06-13: turkey
- 05-05: throw a wet blanket on something
- 05-19: turn one's back on someone
- 12-06: throw away the key
- 02-02: twist someone's arm