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2025.01.18 15:20
第三部 第十一課: psycho , laid back
- 今天李華和 Michael 一起吃午飯的時候,聊起了李華的室友小陳。Michael 在談話中教給李華兩個年輕人常用的詞:psycho 和 laid back。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hey Li Hua. You look upset about something. What's up?
- 哎喲,還不是我那室友,她今天又找我麻煩,說什麼以後再也不許我做中國菜,因為她受不了廚房裡的油煙味。
- She said what? Your roommate is a psycho! She's crazy!
- 哎,你剛才說她是什麼?
- I called her a psycho. p-s-y-c-h-o.
- 嗯~,a psycho 是不是就我們中文裡常說的 「神經病」,對不對?
- That' right. Also, psycho was the name of a famous movie about a crazy person who killed people in a hotel.
- 哎~,我聽說過,那部電影啊叫 「驚魂記」;不過,你說我室友是個 psycho,你該不是真以為她瘋了吧?
- Well, I guess she isn't crazy. Usually we just call someone with strange behavior, and a bad unpredictable temper, a psycho.
- Bad, unpredictable temper,無緣無故亂發脾氣..,哎呀,這簡直說的就是我室友嘛。哎,Michael,你再給我舉幾個 psycho 的例子好不好?
- Well, my last boss was a real psycho. One time, I came to work one minute late, and he yelled at me in front of everyone.
- 真的啊? 他當著很多人的面前罵你啊。哎喲,這種人啊真是有毛病。哎,你可不可以再想想看,還有什麼 psycho 的例子呢?
- Well, ask any American, and they'll probably tell you about some famous serial killer, they are psychos.
- 哦~,psycho 也可以真的是指一個心理變態的殺人狂。
- That's right. We might call someone who kills people for no reason a psycho.
- 嗯,那這樣聽來,我那個室友倒沒那麼嚴重啦,不過啊,我總得想辦法和她好好相處,你說對不對啊, Michael ?
- Well, when is your apartment lease going to expire? You can always ditch your psycho roommate and find a new one.
- 哎,好主意啊,我們公寓的租約啊,嗯~還有兩個月就到期了,到時候啊我就可以搬出去了。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Well, let's look at the roommate wanted ads in the paper.
- 你說來看看 「尋找室友」 的廣告啊。嗯,讓我來看看,這條廣告說 Wanted: friendly, laid back female roommate to share a two bedroom apartment. Michael,這個 laid back 是什麼意思啊?
- Laid back, laid, l-a-i-d, back, b-a-c-k. Describes someone who does not get angry or excited easily. This person doesn't want a psycho roommate.
- 哦,laid back 是形容一個人個性隨和,不會輕易地發脾氣。疑?那你覺不覺得我脾氣很好,很容易相處啊?
- Ah…, Well, I guess so. Usually you are laid back. But, not always...
- 嘿!你這是什麼意思啊,幹嘛吞吞吐吐的,有話直說吧。
- Well, remember when you got angry at your roommate for breaking your bicycle and then blaming you?
- 我承認那一次我很生氣,不過那是因為我室友先對我無理取鬧啊。
- And you certainly weren't very laid back when she tricked you on April Fool's day.
- 就是啊,那一次也是因為她在愚人節捉弄我,才惹我發脾氣的。
- Well and then your roommate.......
- 哎喲,夠了夠了,別再提我室友了啦,我每次生氣都是被她害的。
- You're right, Li Hua. She's the problem, not you. You'd better find a new, laid back roommate.
- 對,我們趕快看廣告吧。哎,你看啊,這個廣告說:Asian girl, seeks female roommate for two bedroom apartment. Call Xiaoli Chen. 哎喲,我的天啊,這是我室友嘛。她居然在瞞著我開始登廣告,真是把我氣死了。
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- 今天李華學會兩個新詞,一個是: psycho,指的是「一個人行為反常、愛發脾氣」;另一個是: laid back,就是「個性比較隨和」的意思。