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四月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-04-19) ------

  • NATO Jets Bomb Libyan Capital
  • 北約戰機轟炸利比亞首都
  •   NATO warplanes bombed several targets near the Libyan capital Tripoli early Tuesday.
  • 北約戰機星期二早晨轟炸了利比亞首都的黎波里附近的幾個目標。

  •   The alliance said the strikes targeted command and control facilities as well as communications infrastructure.
  • 盟軍說,這些襲擊的目標是一些指揮控制機構以及通訊基礎設施。

  •   NATO says it also bombed the headquarters of Libya's elite 32nd Brigade which it says has been used to lead and coordinate attacks on civilians.
  • 北約說,他們還轟炸了利比亞精銳的第 32 旅總部;北約說, 這支部隊一直被用來領導和協調對平民的攻擊。

  •   State-run media says the strikes took place in Tripoli, Libyan leader, Moammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, and the Al-Hira region located southwest of the capital.
  • 利比亞國營媒體說,空襲發生在的黎波里、利比亞領導人卡扎菲的家鄉蘇爾特和位於首都西南的希拉地區。

  •   The NATO alliance has been carrying out airstrikes against loyalist forces in Libya to enforce the U.N.-authorized "no fly" zone protecting civilians from attack by Colonel Gadhafi's troops.
  • 北約在利比亞執行針對效忠派軍隊的空襲任務,以實施聯合國授權的禁飛令,保護平民免遭卡扎菲上校部隊的攻擊。

  •   On Monday, United Nations and Libyan officials said they have reached a deal to allow aid workers safe passage to the besieged western city of Misrata, but without guarantees from Mr. Gadhafi that his forces will stop shelling the rebel enclave.
  • 星期一,聯合國和利比亞官員說,他們已經達成一個協議,允許救援人員獲得安全通道前往被圍困的城市米蘇拉塔,但是利比亞領導人卡扎菲沒有保證他的軍隊將停止炮擊這個被包圍的叛軍飛地。

  •   A U.N. spokeswoman said Mr. Gadhafi agreed to let an international assessment team into Misrata as part of an accord on humanitarian access to the capital, Tripoli, and other Libyan cities.
  • 聯合國一名發言人星期一說,卡扎菲同意讓一個國際評估小組進入米蘇拉塔;這是基於人道主義進入首都的黎波里和其他利比亞城市協議的一部分。

  •   She said the Libyan government will ensure the team's security only in areas under its control.
  • 她說,利比亞政府將僅在政府控制區域內確保這個小組的安全。


  • (2011-04-19) ------

  • Arizona Governor Rejects Gun, Presidential Citizenship Bills
  • 亞利桑那州長否決槍支及總統公民身份法案
  •   Governor Jan Brewer of the southwestern U.S. state of Arizona has vetoed two controversial bills, one which would have allowed guns on the state's college campuses and another that would have required presidential candidates to prove their citizenship.
  • 美國西南部的亞利桑那州州長布魯爾否決了兩個有爭議的法案,其中一個法案允許在州立大學校園內持有槍支,另一法案規定總統候選人必須證明其公民身份。

  •   She said the legislation requiring candidates to provide certain evidence to prove their eligibility was "a bridge too far" (overreaching).
  • 她說,規定候選人提供相關證據來證明其資格的立法 “手伸得太長”。

  •   The governor also said it would put too much power in the hands of Arizona's secretary of state, who would judge if a candidate met the criteria.
  • 這位州長還說,該法案會賦予亞利桑那州務卿過多權力,由州務卿來評判候選人是否符合條件。

  •   The bill was backed by those who question whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.
  • 這個法案得到質疑歐巴馬總統是否在美國出生的那些人的支援。

  •   The State of Hawaii has confirmed Mr. Obama was born there in 1961.
  • 夏威夷州已證實歐巴馬 1961 年在該州出生。

  •   The gun measure would have permitted weapons in public rights of way, but the governor said the language in the bill did not adequately define those areas.
  • 有關槍支的法案原擬准許武器納入公眾權利之內,但是州長說,該法案的用詞沒有適當界定使用範圍。

  •   Brewer, a gun-rights advocate, said she worried the unclear wording could lead to gun owners breaking the law by accident.
  • 布魯爾是持槍權利的擁護者;她說,該法律不明確的措辭可能導致擁槍者意外違法。


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