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2024.09.08 08:55
第七部 第九課: sleep in , slacker
- 這是星期六,李華一大早就到 Larry 的宿舍去叫他一塊兒去跑步.在今天的談話中,李華會學到兩個常用語:sleep in 和 slacker。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- come in!
- 哎呀,Larry,你怎麼還沒起床啊,都八點半啦!
- Li Hua, it's Saturday, I want to sleep in for once. What's so important that you have to wake me up?
- 哎喲,你不是說今天早上一起去跑步嗎?還問我什麼事情那麼重要,把你叫醒了,你啊真健忘.疑?你說你想 "sleep in" 那是什麼意思呀?
- Ok, now pay attention. "Sleep in" is a very, very important term to me. (Sleep in) means to sleep later than usual.
- 哦~,sleep in 意思就是「比平時起得晚」,疑?那不就是「睡懶覺」嗎?喔!你真懶哎,怪不得 sleep in 這個短語啊,對你來說 "very, very important".
- Hey, sleeping in once in a while does not make a person lazy.
- 嗯~,這話也有道理喔,偶爾睡個懶覺也不見得就是懶惰,其實我有的時候也喜歡早上多睡會兒呢。
- Li Hua, why didn't you sleep in this morning? It's Saturday!
- 喔~,這個星期啊每天我都忙得要命,根本沒時間鍛煉,所以才想早上起來跑步啊!
- Sleep is important, too, Li Hua. You should have slept in and run later.
- 唉~,要早知道你想睡懶覺,我也不用起那麼早了.今天中午啊我睡個午覺,這樣就可以補過來早上沒有 sleep in 的損失囉!
- That sounds like a good idea. Now, can I go back to sleep?
- 跟你說了那麼多話,你還想睡覺啊!起來,起來,起來,跟我一起去跑步。
- All right. I guess I'm awake now anyway. Wait for me, I'll be ready to go in a minute.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Li Hua, why don't we stop at Starbucks and have a coffee!
- Larry,跑了那麼幾分鐘,你就想到星巴克喝咖啡啊!哎喲,你真懶。
- Come on! I'm not a slacker. I'm just a little tired because somebody didn't let me sleep in this morning.
- 對,是我把你叫醒的.可是你沒睡懶覺也不至於就累成這樣啊!你不是個 "slacker",我連 "slacker" 是什麼我都還不知道呢!
- A slacker is someone who "slacks off" or is very lazy.
- 哦~,我想起來了, Michael 啊以前就給我解釋過 slack off 這個短語,意思就是「鬆懈、懶散」,那 slacker 就是「喜歡偷懶、特別懶散的人」囉!
- You got it. For example: a student who doesn't do his homework and is always late for class is a slacker.
- 嗯~,一個上課老遲到、老不做作業的學生就是個 slacker. 哎,Larry,我們認識的人裡,誰是 slacker 啊?
- You know that guy in our history class who always sleeps through class and never reads his textbook? He is a slacker.
- 對對對,歷史課上那個傢伙啊一上課就睡覺,課本也從來不看,絕對是個 slacker.哎,Larry,那昨天飯館裡那個女服務員也是個 slacker 吧?
- Ah, she was a slacker! She was so slow that it took nearly an hour to get our food. I thought I was going to starve to death.
- 唉~,別說你了,讓我們等了快一個小時,我啊都要餓死了.哎,Larry,你看,我們還有不到 2 百米就要到頭了,快跑啊!
- Can't we walk the rest of the way?
- 你想走?不行不行,我們要堅持跑到終點 - Don't be a slacker, Larry!
- Stop calling me that! Next weekend, I'm going to wake you up at 6 a.m. to go running and then we'll see who is the slacker!
- 什麼啊?你下星期六早上 6 點要叫我起來跑步啊?喝!我可不幹,下星期六啊我要睡懶覺 - I'm going to sleep in!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華從 Larry 那兒學到了兩個常用語,一個是: sleep in,意思是「睡懶覺」.李華學到的另一個常用語是: slacker,是指「喜歡偷懶的人」。