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2025.01.17 13:14
第七部 第十二課: hook something up , buzz off
- Larry 正準備去食品店買東西.他打了個電話給李華問她要不要帶甚麼東西.李華會學到兩個常用語: hook something up 和 buzz off。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hello?
- Hi, Li Hua. This is Larry. I'm going to the grocery store and I was wondering if you needed anything.
- Larry,你要去商店買東西呀?我正好牛奶喝光了,你可不可以幫我買點牛奶呢?回頭我再給你錢。
- Sure, no problem. I can hook you up with some milk.
- Hook me up with some milk? 疑?我知道 hook 是「鉤子」的意思.哎,那 hook up 就是把東西用鉤子鉤住. 哎,你想把我和牛奶鉤在一起?哦~,我猜那就是給我帶牛奶的意思,對不對啊?
- Yes, you're right. To hook somebody up with something means to get something for him. I meant that I will get the milk for you.
- 你看,我猜得不錯吧!To hook me up with some milk 就是呢「給我帶點牛奶」.對了,我差點也忘了,Larry,那你還能不能再給我帶包土豆片呢?
- Sure, I can hook you up with some potato chips, too. Is there anything else you'd like me to hook you up with?
- 嗯~,還有甚麼呀?對了,你能不能幫我買一張這個週末的音樂會的票子呢?
- Well, they don't sell those at the grocery store, but I have a friend who can hook you up with some tickets.
- 哦~,對不起,我忘了你是要去食品店.那兒是不賣音樂會的票的.你的朋友可以幫我買票啊,那太好了!疑?Larry,除了說 hook somebody up with something 以外呢,我能不能說 hook somebody up with someone 呢?
- Of course you can, but it means "to introduce the person". For example, if you want to meet my friend, then I can hook you up with him.
- 哦~,原來 to hook somebody up with someone 意思就是「把某人介紹給另一個人」.哎,Larry,你還記不記得上一次歷史課裡面那個很有意思的男孩呢? Can you hook me up with him?
- I would if I knew him, but I've never talked to him before. Sorry.
- 你從來就沒有跟他說過話呀?那就算啦.哎,對了,Larry,每一次啊我寫這個學術報告,我總是對自己的英文不太有信心哎,你能不能給我介紹一個可以幫我改英文的人呢?
- Of course, I can hook you up. I'll help you myself.
- 你願意幫我改我的英文報告啊?你真是太好了!哎,還是你先去買東西吧,可別忘了喔, hook me up with milk and potato chips!
- I won't forget.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hey, Li Hua. Here's your milk and potato chips. See, I didn't forget to hook you up.
- 喔~,Thank you, Larry,可是啊我正忙著複習功課.I'll see you later.
- Hey, you aren't even going to invite me in? You're just telling me to buzz off? That's a little rude!
- 對不起嘛,Larry,我啊不是不想請你進來坐,可是我實在太忙了.疑?對了,甚麼是 buzz off 啊?
- Buzz off is a way of telling someone to leave. You were trying to tell me to leave, so that's like saying "Buzz off!"
- 哦~, buzz off 就是叫某個人離開啊,哎喲,Larry.我可沒有要趕你走的意思哦,我啊只不過是心裡著急,我星期五要考試,到現在還沒準備好呢!
- Well, then instead of telling me to buzz off, you should ask me if I can help you?
- 對呀,那 Larry,你先別走,那~,你現在有時間幫我複習嗎?
- I have about an hour before I have to go home.
- 哦~,你大概有一個小時之後就要回家啦?哎,那你等一會兒吧, You can buzz off later.
- Thanks, Li Hua, You make me feel so important.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華從 Larry 那兒學到了兩個常用語,一個是: hook somebody up, hook somebody up with something 意思是「給某人帶某樣東西」; hook somebody up with someone 意思是「把這個人介紹給某人」.李華學到的另一個常用語是 buzz off, tell someone to buzz off 意思是「叫某個人離開」。