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2024.12.10 19:49
第七部 第十課: a blast , lighten up
- Larry 去 Florida 渡假了一個星期.李華現在正在開車去飛機場接他.今天李華會學到兩個常用語:a blast 和 lighten up。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 嗨, Larry,我在這裡!
- Hi, Li Hua, how are you? Thank you for coming to pick me up.
- 啊~,沒事!哎,佛羅里達怎麼樣? 玩得好嗎?
- Oh man, I had a blast! My friends in Miami took a few days off, just to hang out with me. We did nothing but hang out on the beach and go partying every night!
- 喲,你那個在 Miami 的朋友還請了幾天的假陪你玩呀!那你肯定玩得很痛快.疑?Larry, 你剛才說 I had a... 什麼來啦?
- I said I had a blast. "To have a blast" means to have a great time. If something was a blast, that means it was a lot of fun.
- Blast 不是「爆炸」的意思嗎?怎麼 "to have a blast" 又成了玩得特別高興!哎喲,學英文啊真不容易!得了,Larry,你啊玩得痛快,我可是花了整整一個星期幫 Jones 教授來準備下學期的課呢!
- Yeah, well, I tried to get you to come along. You would've had a blast too.
- 對,你是請我一起去了,可是我不能去啊.我得工作,要不然下學期的學費哪兒來呢?不過,昨天啊 Rick 過生日,我晚上啊去他的 party 了.
- Well, too bad I didn't come back a day sooner... his parties are always a blast.
- 對哎,每次啊 Rick 開 party,大家總是玩得很痛快.昨天晚上我到早上三點才回家.我走的時候還有好多人在那兒呢!大家都玩瘋了!
- Sounds like you had a blast. What about you? Li Hua, your birthday's today. Are you going to celebrate?
- 嗯~,生日也不是什麼大事嘛.我在中國的時候從來就不過生日的。
- Aww, whatever. I think everyone should have a blast on their birthday!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 唉,時間啊過得真快,我都已經 25 歲了,四分之一個世紀吶!可我還在這兒唸書,還沒有一個正式的工作...
- What? Lighten up, Li Hua! You're in your mid-twenties! You have plenty of time to decide what you want to do!
- 什麼啊?你叫我 lighten up? 你是說我要減輕體重啦?你在胡說什麼嘛?
- Hey! I'm not talking about weight here. To lighten up means to relax, to be less serious.