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2024.10.03 22:48
第七部 第十四課: out of whack , goofy
- 今天李華和 Larry 在圖書館看書.Larry 注意到李華和平時有點兒不一樣.李華會學到兩個常用語:out of whack 和 goofy。
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- Hey, Li Hua, what's wrong? You're acting a little out of whack.
- 啊~,我甚麼事也沒有啊!你說我怎麼啦? acting a little out of whack? 那是甚麼意思啊?
- Out of Whack - means to be different from usual or abnormal. You're acting different from usual, so you seem a little out of whack.
- 哦~,原來 out of whack 意思就是「和平時不太一樣」.你覺得我有點兒反常啊?你還真說對了,我啊明天晚上有個約會,是我第一次要和這個人見面呢.心裡啊有點緊張,我連穿甚麼衣服都還沒想好呢!
- You have a date and you didn't tell me? That's out of whack! But, at least now I understand why you're acting out of whack. First dates make everyone nervous.
- 就是啊,第一次約會啊總是讓人緊張的.哎,就是,我平常的活動你都知道,這一次約會我沒告訴你,確實是不尋常啊,難怪你會說 out of whack.這麼說,Larry, out of whack,可以指人,也可以指事情,對不對?
- That's right. For instance, I think it's really out of whack that my best friend has a date tomorrow and she didn't tell me about it.
- 對不起嘛,Larry,我其實本來想告訴你的啊,大概就是因為我太緊張了,心裡沒準,所以我就給忘了嘛。
- Okay, well, I suppose that I can forgive you. Hey, you know what makes me feel all out of whack?
- 啊~,有甚麼東西會讓你反常啊?我不知道,趕快趕快,告訴我啊!
- The fact that I haven't slept more than three hours every night this week. I've been so busy.
- 甚麼啊?你這個星期每天睡眠還不到三個小時啊?再忙也不至於這樣吧!
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- Li Hua, how was your date last night? Did it go well or was the guy really goofy?
- 哎呀,別提了!昨晚的約會簡直糟透了.那傢伙啊也不知怎麼搞的,第一次見面就忘了帶錢包,結果還是我付的帳呢.疑,Larry,你剛才說 was the guy really goofy - "goofy" 是甚麼意思啊?
- Goofy means several things. It can mean silly, funny, crazy or stupid. Or a little bit of all of those things combined. It sounds like your date was goofy.
- 哦~,要是你說 goofy 是指「愚蠢、可笑、怪怪的、傻傻的」,或者是這些因素都有一點兒的話,嘿,我那個 date 啊還真是 goofy.他真是傻得讓人覺得可笑了呢,要不是那頓晚餐啊花了我那麼多錢,我真的說不定會笑出來呢!
- Yeah, he sounds pretty goofy to me. Was he goofy-looking, too?
- Goofy-looking? 你是說他長的樣子是不是也怪怪的、傻傻的啊?
- Yep, goofy-looking means silly looking, like a clown.
- 哦~,他呢長得倒不錯啦,看上去一點也不傻,更不像個小丑.哎,Larry,你也不想想,我哪能找個樣子傻傻的人去約會呢?唉,得了得了,先別說我那個 goofy date 了. Goofy 這個詞我還可以怎麼用呢?
- When kids act silly for attention, you can say that they are acting goofy.
- 哎~,對哎,小孩子啊為了讓別人注意他,有的時候啊會幹些傻事.這麼說, goofy 這個詞也不見得都是指不好的事情嘛。
- Generally, it's not very negative. You can call a person "goofy," too. For instance, I would call you goofy if you went on another date with that guy.
- 哦~,原來 goofy 這個詞並不一定都是貶意,幸虧你告訴我.
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