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2025.01.15 00:48
第九部 第九課: play hooky , put one's foot down
- 今天李華到 Larry 家來借一本書,碰巧 Larry 的媽媽打電話來.什麼事呢?你聽了他們的對話就知道了.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: play hooky 和 put one's foot down。
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- Larry,怎麼啦?你看起來很不高興哎。
- Oh, it's just that my little sister is giving my mom a lot of trouble. She played hooky from school two days in a row last week.
- 你妹妹給你媽惹麻煩了啊,你說她上星期在學校連續兩天 played hooky? 那是一種遊戲嗎?為什麼你媽媽會生氣啊?
- No, it's not a game. To play hooky is to skip school or work when you have no excuse for doing so.
- 哦~, play hooky 就是逃學、曠課的意思啊.那很嚴重哎!我要是逃學,我媽媽一定會非常非常生氣!
- Every kid plays hooky once in a while, but playing hooky as often as my little sister does is a serious problem. It's affecting her grades.
- 對,偶爾曠課還可以,如果像你妹妹這樣常常逃課,成績當然會受影響囉!那你媽媽打算怎麼做啊?
- She'll forbid my sister from watching TV, talking on the phone, or going out with her friends for at least a month.
- 哇!至少一個月不能看電視、不許和朋友通電話,也不可以和朋友出去.這樣的處罰啊是夠厲害的,不過,也許她能得到教訓,以後不再逃學囉。
- I hope so. Hey, you really never played hooky when you were a kid?
- 嗯~,有那麼幾次我不想上學,就裝病待在家裡.這樣也算 play hooky 嗎?
- Of course, that counts! Actually, I think every kid has used that trick to play hooky at least once.
- 對,假裝生病啊是孩子們想逃學時最常用的藉口了.我記得我是因為有的同學老是取笑我,所以我不想上學。
- Unfortunately, I think that's probably a very common reason for playing hooky from school.
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- Larry,剛才是誰打電話來啊?
- That was my sister. My mom really put her foot down this time. She's not allowed to watch TV or see her friends for two months. She's really upset.
- 你媽媽罰你妹妹兩個月不准看電視,也不准和朋友出去玩,那是夠厲害的喔.可是, Larry,你剛才說 "put her foot down" 是什麼意思啊?
- Oh, to put one's foot down means to take a really firm stance on something and enforce it.
- Put one's foot down 就是採取堅定的立場,嚴厲執行.你媽媽是不是也曾經對你這麼嚴格啊?
- I was generally a good kid, but she did put her foot down once that I can remember. She thought one of my friends was a bad influence, so she didn't allow me to hang out with him.
- 那是可以理解,中國人常說「近朱者赤,近墨者黑」,你媽媽是怕你交了壞朋友,所以才不讓你跟他交往啊。
- Well, haven't you ever had to put your foot down with anyone?
- 你還記得我那討厭的同屋嗎?在她開始偷我的東西之後啊,我就對她不客氣了。
- Yeah, I remember that. I think you probably should have put your foot down before then, but you were too nice.
- 是,我可能啊早就不該遷就她了.不過,我總覺得不太好意思,不太敢和別人發生衝突。
- You've got to learn to put your foot down when it's necessary, otherwise people will take advantage of you.
- 沒錯,必要的時候啊就得學會對別人硬一些,有些人啊就是會欺軟怕硬。
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- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,第一個是: play hooky,是「逃學」或者是「曠課」;另外一個常用語是: put one's foot down,意思是「很堅定、採取嚴厲手段」。