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2025.01.17 12:43
第九部 第十二課: to tie the knot , drop-dead gorgeous
- Larry 和李華今天去給他們的朋友 Jim 買結婚禮物. Jim 下個週末就要結婚.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: to tie the knot 和 drop-dead gorgeous.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- I can't believe Jim is going to tie the knot! He seems too young to get married.
- Jim 已經 25 歲啦.25 歲結婚還算早啊!你說 Jim 要 tie the knot, Tie是「綁」的意思, knot 是結,「打個結」跟結婚有什麼關係啊?
- 「To tie the knot」, that』s slang for 「to get married」.
- 哦~, to tie the knot 就是結婚的意思啊!好奇怪喔!為什麼要用打結來形容結婚呢?
- As far as I know, a very old type of wedding ceremony involved tying a knot to symbolize the joining of the couple's lives and now 「tying the knot」 has become a synonym for marriage.
- 哦~,以前的結婚典禮上要打結,表示新郎新娘的生活從此就結合在一起.所以才會用 tie the knot 來表示結婚,這真有意思哎.對了,Larry,你想你大概什麼時候會結婚啊?
- Whoa, slow down. I need to find a girlfriend first. At this point, I honestly have no idea when I'll get married. What about you?
- 我和你也差不多啦!你得找個女朋友,我呢,得先找到個男朋友囉!
- Well, hopefully, someday we'll both find someone really nice to tie the knot with.
- 嗯!我也希望我們兩個都能找到滿意的對象喔!對了! Larry,你認識 Jim 的未婚妻嗎?
- No, I've actually never met her. I'm really curious to see what she's like. According to Jim, she's the most beautiful woman in the world.
- 嗯,我明白 Jim 為什麼要這樣說,每個人都認為自己的另一半是世界上最美、最帥的人啦!
- Love does have that effect on people. I certainly hope I tie the knot with someone beautiful.
- 其實啊,只要你是真心的愛她,你就會認為她是世界上絕無僅有的大美人啦!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Li Hua, Jim just showed me a picture of his fiancee. She's drop-dead gorgeous!
- 你看到 Jim 未婚妻的照片啦?你說她 drop-dead gorgeous? 那是什麼意思啊?是不是說她很醜啊?
- No, she's beautiful. 「Drop-dead gorgeous」 is a way to describe someone who is incredibly attractive.
- 哦~,原來 drop-dead gorgeous 的意思是非常漂亮、美極啦.所以你認為 Jim 的未婚妻是個超級大美女囉?哎,那她到底長什麼樣啊?
- She looks like a super model.
- 哇!像個超級模特啊!那真是美得不得了了! Larry,我有個問題喔,我能不能用 drop-dead gorgeous 來形容很帥的男人呢?
- Well, I probably wouldn't call another man drop-dead gorgeous, but you can. Why? Who do you think is drop-dead gorgeous?
- 嗯,我也不知道誰可以稱得上是 drop-dead gorgeous 的大帥哥啦.疑?不過經過你這一問,我想電影明星 Brad Pitt 應該可以算是 drop-dead gorgeous 的帥哥囉!
- Yeah, I'm sure there are a million other women who agree with you.
- 好啦!現在啊該你了!你覺得誰算得上是 drop-dead gorgeous 的大美人呢?
- Besides Jim's fiancee? I think that Lisa from our history class is pretty close to being drop-dead gorgeous.
- 你是說歷史課的那個 Lisa?我從來沒注意過哎.疑?既然你覺得她很漂亮,為什麼不約她出去呢?
- She has a boyfriend. Unfortunately, most drop-dead gorgeous girls I meet already have a boyfriend.
- 她已經有男朋友了啊!Larry,你的動作啊太慢了!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到的兩個常用語是: to tie the knot.就是「結婚」.另一個常用語是: drop-dead gorgeous,是形容「一個人非常美麗、非常好看」的意思。