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2025.01.15 00:47
第九部 第十三課: dibs , shotgun
- 今天 Larry 和李華要到朋友 Bob 家裡, Bob 因為要搬家,所以把他的立體音響賣給了 Larry.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: dibs 和 shotgun.
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- I'm really glad that Bob gave me first dibs on his stereo. He knows I've always admired it, but I couldn't afford to buy a new one just like it.
- 我知道你一直很喜歡 Bob 的立體音響,可是又買不起全新的.現在他要賣給你,怪不得你那麼興奮呢.疑?可是你說 Bob 給了你 first dibs,那是什麼意思啊?哦~,是不是說 Bob 第一個先賣給你?
- Something like that. To have first dibs on something is to have the opportunity to decide if you want it before anyone else.
- 所以我真猜對啦. First dibs 就是有優先的機會來決定是不是要買. Bob 讓你優先決定是不是要買他的音響設備,也就是給了你 first dibs.
- Exactly. For example: I know that you like my car, so if I ever decided to sell it, I would give you first dibs.
- 真的嗎?我可以有優先買你車子的權利啊! Larry 你真好!這樣吧,我記得啊你愛吃我做的蛋糕,下回我再做的時候,你可以優先享用,You'll get first dibs on it.
- I like the sound of that. While we're on the subject, 「dibs」 has another use, too. If I say I have dibs on the last piece of cake, then that means that I claim it for myself.
- 哦~, dibs 還可以用來表示某種要求或權利.哎!好!那我先說了,這塊糖是我的. I have dibs on this candy bar.
- Hey, that's the last one! We won't be able to get lunch until after we bring the stereo back to my apartment. Can't you share it with me?
- 嘿!我已經說了, I have dibs on it. 這塊糖啊就是我的。
- That's not very generous. You know I would share it with you.
- 好啦!好啦!我是開玩笑的.你可以和我一起分這塊糖。
- Thank you. You can have first dibs on the next candy bar you find.
- 哼,對了, Bob 他還有那麼多東西要賣.他有沒有也讓你優先決定呢?
- He gave me first dibs on some of his furniture, too, but I don't really need anything right now. Well, we're here. Let's go get my new stereo.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- I'm sorry, Li Hua, but you don't get to ride shotgun on the way home. I need you to sit in back and hold the stereo.
- 你要我坐在後座抱住你的音響啊?可以啊!可是你怎麼說我不能坐 shotgun?我本來就沒想拿槍呀!
- You don't get to ride shotgun means that you can't sit in the front passenger seat. The front passenger seat is often referred to as 「shotgun」.
- 原來 shotgun 就是指前面駕駛座旁的那個座位啊?好奇怪!為什麼要用「槍」來形容一個座位呢?
- Have you ever seen an old Western movie about cowboys and Indians?
- 西部電影,我當然看過啦!只是啊我覺得西部電影都很暴力哎,我不是很喜歡。
- In the old days, it wasn't very safe, so there was often a person who sat next to the driver of the horse-drawn carriage. This person carried a shotgun to protect the carriage.
- 原來如此!過去啊由於不安全,所以為了保護馬車的安全,坐在馬車前排的人手上啊都拿著槍.前排那個座位呢就被稱為 shotgun,真有意思哎!
- Exactly. Do you mind if you can't ride shotgun on the way home?
- 沒問題!我可以坐在後面保護你的音響啊.反正我經常坐在前座,偶爾換換坐後面,也沒關係!
- Thanks, Li Hua. From now on, you always have first dibs on shotgun, no matter who else is riding with us.
- Larry!你說了可得算數哦!以後啊不管跟誰一起坐車,我都可以有優先權坐在前座.太好了!哎, Larry,我們可不可以去吃午飯啊?那半塊糖根本不夠,我好餓哎!
- I agree. Let's go.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到兩個常用語,一個是: first dibs,就是「有優先權」;另一個常用語是: shotgun,這是指「汽車駕駛座旁的那個座位」。