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2025.02.15 14:22
四月份 第 08 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-04-12) ------
- Russia, European Union Denounce Iran's Nuclear Announcement
- 俄歐盟與美譴責伊朗核武計劃
- Russia and the European Union have joined the United States in condemning Iran's nuclear program, one day after Tehran said it had succeeded in enriching uranium to a level used in nuclear power plants.
- 在德黑蘭說已經成功把金屬鈾提煉到可以用來進行核能發電的水平一天後,俄羅斯和歐盟加入美國的行列,共同譴責伊朗的核計劃。
- Russia and Germany are calling the Iranian development a step in the wrong direction, and France has urged Iran to stop what it called dangerous activities.
- 俄羅斯和德國把伊朗的發展稱之為“向錯誤方向發展的一步”.法國則敦促伊朗停止所說的“危險的活動”。
- Israeli elder statesman Shimon Peres called Iran's claim worrying and frustrating, but said diplomacy is the best way to resolve Iran's nuclear standoff with the West.
- 以色列資深議員佩雷斯把伊朗的聲明說成是令人擔心和令人感到沮喪的.但是他說,外交途經是解決伊朗和西方國家之間有關伊朗核問題僵局的最佳途徑。
- (2006-04-12) ------
- Iraqi Parliament to Meet Monday -- Acting Speaker
- 伊議會下周開會商討組建政府
- Iraq's acting parliament speaker says he will convene the legislature Monday in an effort to push forward the formation of a national unity government. Adnan Pachachi, who is a Sunni Arab, says he hopes Shi'ite leaders will have resolved the deadlock over their candidate for prime minister by then.
- 伊拉克國民議會代理議長,遜尼派阿拉伯人阿德南.帕沙希表示,他下星期一將召集議會會議,推動組成全國團結政府的進程,希望屆時什葉派領導人能夠解決他們在總理人選問題上的僵局。
- Kurdish and Sunni politicians have rejected the Shi'ite candidate for the post -- current Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.
- 庫德人和遜尼派政界人士反對什葉派選擇現任總理賈法尼出任下一任總理。
- In violence today (Wednesday), a roadside bomb killed two American soldiers in Baghdad. Another bomb killed a third U.S. soldier east of the city.
- 星期三在巴格達發生的暴力事件中,一枚路邊炸彈炸死兩名美軍士兵.另一名美軍士兵在巴格達東邊另一起炸彈爆炸事件中喪生。