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2025.02.15 16:05
四月份 第 08 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]
- (2007-04-11) ------
- Red Cross Alarmed by Iraq's Worsening Situation
- 紅十字會對伊拉克惡化局勢感不安
- The International Committee of the Red Cross says it is alarmed by the worsening humanitarian situation in Iraq and calls for better protection of Iraqi civilians from continuing violence.
- 國際紅十字會說,它對伊拉克日益惡化的人權狀況感到不安,呼籲保護伊拉克平民不受持續暴力的傷害。
- In a report issued Wednesday the Red Cross reports numerous instances of what it calls clear violations of international humanitarian law.
- 國際紅十字星期三發表的報告列舉了若干事例,稱這些事件明顯違反了國際人權法。
- The Red Cross says the Iraqi people are enduring "unbearable and unacceptable" conditions, and calls on all those who can influence the situation in Iraq "to act now to ensure the lives of ordinary people are spared."
- 國際紅十字會說,伊拉克人正在經受著「無法忍受和難以接受」的遭遇,並呼籲所有能影響伊拉克局勢的人立即採取行動,確保普通民眾的生命不受傷害。
- The report says civilians are increasingly the targets of daily shootings, bombings, murders and abductions as well as military operations.
- 報告說,平民日益成為每天發生的槍擊、炸彈襲擊、謀殺、綁架和軍事行動的目標。
- It documents the alarming state of Iraq's health-care facilities, noting that medical professionals are forced to avoid going to hospitals and clinics for fear of their own lives.
- 報告記錄了伊拉克醫療設施令人不安的狀況,專業醫務人員擔心自身安全,被迫不去醫院和診所上班。
- (2007-04-11) ------
- Russia Criticizes Iranian Air Drills Near Nuclear Plant
- 俄羅斯批評伊朗在核電站附近舉行防空演習
- Russia is criticizing Iran for conducting an air-defense exercise near a nuclear plant Russia is helping to build.
- 伊朗在俄羅斯協助建設的一個核電站附近進行防空演習,俄羅斯表示批評。
- A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said Wednesday that Iran did not inform Russian experts at the Bushehr plant before the test.
- 俄羅斯外交部發言人星期三說,伊朗演習前沒有通知布希爾核電站的俄羅斯專家。
- A representative of Russia's atomic agency says the lack of warning created tension at the site and disrupted work.
- 俄羅斯原子能機構的一位代表說,由於事先沒有得到通知,建築工地出現緊張,工作受到干擾。
- Iran conducted the practice firing at 5 a.m. Friday near the still-unfinished nuclear power plant in the country's southwest.
- 伊朗上星期五凌晨 5 點在西南部尚未建成的布希爾核電站附近進行了防空演習。
- The Russian company in charge of construction at Bushehr says Iran has resumed payments for the project.
- 負責布希爾核電站建築項目的俄羅斯公司說,伊朗已經恢復了工程項目的付款。
- Russia earlier this month had complained that Iran was behind in its payments but Iran denied the charge.
- 俄羅斯 4 月早些時候抱怨伊朗拖延付款,但是伊朗否認。