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2025.02.15 14:30
十月份 第 10 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-10-14)------
- China Sentences Tibetan Monks to Prison for Alleged Bomb Blast
- 中國判處 8 名涉嫌炸彈爆炸西藏喇嘛監禁
- A court in China has sentenced eight Buddhist monks to prison for allegedly bombing a government building during an anti-government uprising in March.
- 中國一家法院判處 8 名佛教僧侶徒刑,罪名是涉嫌在 3 月反政府暴亂中爆炸一座政府建築物。
- A Tibetan activist group and a court official in the eastern Chamdo region of Tibet say two of the monks were sentenced to life in prison. The remaining six were sentenced to between five and 15 years.
- 一個西藏活動團體和西藏東部昌都地區的法院官員說,兩名僧侶被判無期徒刑,另外 6 人被判 5 年到 15 年徒刑。
- Chinese state media have said the eight monks confessed to planting a homemade bomb at a government building on March 23rd.
- 中國官方媒體說,這 8 名喇嘛供認 3 月 23 號在一座政府建築物中設置一枚土造炸彈。
- However, no casualties or damage were reported.
- 但是,沒有關於造成傷亡和財產損失的報導。
- Peaceful protests against Chinese rule erupted into violence in March of this year and protests quickly spread from Lhasa to Tibetan-inhabited areas in China.
- 今年 3 月,反對中國統治的和平抗議演變為暴力,抗議活動迅速從拉薩擴散到中國其他藏區。
- (2008-10-14)------
- China Fires 5 Gov't Officials over Poisoned Water
- 中國因污染水源罷免五名官員
- Chinese state media say authorities have fired five government officials in southern China after 450 villagers were poisoned by contaminated water.
- 中國官方媒體說,污染水造成 450 名村民中毒後,當局罷免了中國南方 5 名政府官員的職務。
- The Xinhua news agency reports the officials worked in (Jinjiang) district offices and the environmental protection bureau in Hechi city, in the autonomous Guangxi Zhuang region. One of the officials was the head of the town of Dongiang.
- 新華社報導說,被免職的是廣西壯族自治區河池市地方機構以及環保部門的官員,其中一名官員是東江鎮行政首腦。
- Xinhua says the officials are accused of poor management and surveillance after hundreds of people drank water containing arsenic.
- 新華社說,這些官員被指責在數百人飲用含砷的水後監管不善。
- The news agency says people who drank the water suffered swelling in their face and eyes, vomiting and blurred vision.
- 報導說,這些人飲水後面部和眼部浮腫、嘔吐和視力模糊。
- Environmental testing showed the water source was polluted by industrial waste from a metal and chemical factory in Guangxi's Liuzhou city.
- 環境檢測結果顯示,廣西柳州市一家金屬化工廠的工業廢料造成水源污染。