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EPT 美語
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十一月份 第 11 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]

  • (2007-11-15)------

  • Russia Refuses to Let German Military Plane Pass Through Its Airspace
  • 俄羅斯拒絕讓德軍機通過領空
  •   Russian air traffic controllers refused to let a German military flight pass through Russian airspace Wednesday.
  • 俄羅斯空中交通管制人員星期三拒絕讓德國一架軍用飛機經過俄羅斯領空。

  •   The plane had to turn back to Berlin.
  • 這架德國飛機不得不返回柏林。

  •   The plane was taking German troops and supplies to the Termez air base in Uzbekistan, which is used by NATO to support its force in Afghanistan.
  • 那架飛機正將德國官兵和裝備運送到在烏茲別克斯坦的鐵爾梅茲空軍基地,這一基地被北約部隊來為其在阿富汗的部隊提供支持。

  •   German media report that the military aircraft had diplomatic clearance to fly over Russia on Tuesday, but the flight was delayed, and the clearance expired.
  • 德國媒體報導說,德國軍用飛機星期二獲得了飛越俄羅斯領空的外交許可,但是飛行延誤,許可過期。


  • (2007-11-15)------

  • Georgian Lawmakers Approve Lifting of Emergency Friday Evening
  • 喬治亞議員星期五晚上批准解除緊急狀態
  •   The Georgian parliament has approved the lifting of the country's week-long national state of emergency Friday evening.
  • 喬治亞議會星期五晚間批准解除已實行一個星期的國家緊急狀態。

  •   Parliament speaker Nino Burjanadze announced the decision, saying the country is no longer in danger.
  • 議會議長布里亞納澤宣佈了這項決定,並說喬治亞不再處於危險之中。

  •   President Mikhail Saakashvili issued the emergency decree last week, after six days of mass protests in Tbilisi that culminated in clashes with police.
  • 薩瓦什維利總統上星期頒布了緊急狀態令;在那之前,喬治亞首都第比利斯連續 6 天爆發大規模抗議,最後同警方發生了衝突。

  •   The decree banned public demonstrations and all independent newscasts.
  • 緊急狀態令禁止公共示威和所有獨立新聞廣播。

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