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十一月份 第 11 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-11-16)------

  • US, Chinese Presidents Share Dinner, Views in Beijing
  • 美中領導人在北京共聚晚宴與交流
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama has held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, in Beijing, after pushing for uncensored Internet use and greater political freedoms in China.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬與中國國家主席胡錦濤於北京舉行會談;此前,歐巴馬呼籲中國准許對網絡給予沒有審控的使用和允許更多的政治自由。

  •   President Hu hosted a state dinner for Mr. Obama Monday evening at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.
  • 中國國家主席胡錦濤星期一傍晚在釣魚台國賓館設晚宴招待歐巴馬。

  •   More meetings are planned for Tuesday, when Mr. Obama and other Chinese leaders are expected to discuss climate change, trade, North Korea and Iran.
  • 星期二歐巴馬和中國其他領導人計劃還要舉行更多會談;預期他們會討論氣候變化、貿易、北韓和伊朗等議題。

  •   White House aides say Mr. Obama will also raise the issue of human rights.
  • 白宮助理表示,歐巴馬也會提起人權問題。

  •   Earlier Monday, President Obama talked with students in Shanghai about what he called the "universal rights" of political expression, religious freedom and free information.
  • 歐巴馬星期一早些時候與學生在上海舉行座談時談到政治表達自由、宗教信仰自由和信息自由的「普世人權」。

  •   He said he thinks the more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes.
  • 歐巴馬說,他認為信息流通愈自由,社會就會愈強大。


  • (2009-11-16)------

  • 13 Killed in Iraqi Village Near Baghdad
  • 巴格達附近村莊遭襲 13 人遇害
  •   Iraqi security officials say gunmen killed 13 people Monday in a mainly Sunni village west of Baghdad.
  • 伊拉克安全官員說,武裝份子星期一在巴格達以西一個居民主要為遜尼派回教徒的村莊殺害了 13 個人。

  •   A general in the Iraqi army's Baghdad operation said Monday that officials believe the deaths were the result of a tribal dispute.
  • 伊拉克在巴格達的一名陸軍將領星期一說,有關官員認為這次殺人事件是部落爭端引起的。

  •   Reports indicate the attackers were wearing Iraqi military uniforms and that the victims were shot execution-style.
  • 有報導指出,襲擊者身穿伊拉克部隊的軍服,受害者被行刑式處死。

  •   Police say the dead include at least one person affiliated with the main Sunni Arab political party, the Iraqi Islamic Party.
  • 警方說,死者中至少有一人與主要的遜尼派阿拉伯人政黨伊拉克伊斯蘭黨有關聯。

  •   Villagers say at least some of the victims had taken up arms against al-Qaida.
  • 村民說,至少有些受害者曾經拿起武器反抗基地組織。

  •   Sectarian violence in Iraq has declined dramatically since the height of the tensions in 2006 and 2007, but sporadic attacks continue.
  • 伊拉克的宗派關係 2006 年和 2007 年最為緊張,從那以來,宗派暴力大大減少,不過仍然繼續有零星的襲擊事件。

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