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2025.01.23 02:15
十一月份 第 11 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-11-17)------
- Tibetan Exiles Discuss Future of Tibet
- 流亡藏人討論西藏前途
- Hundreds of Tibetans from around the world have begun a week-long conference in northern India to discuss the future of their campaign for Tibet.
- 全球數以百計的流亡藏人今天 (星期一) 在印度北部開始舉行長達一個星期的會議,討論西藏運動的未來。
- Tibet's exiled spiritual leader - the Dalai Lama - organized the six-day meeting.
- 西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛召集了這次 6 天的會議。
- He says he hopes it will be a forum for open and frank discussion about the situation in Tibet.
- 他說他希望這次會議成為公開坦誠地討論西藏局勢的論壇。
- The Dalai Lama recently expressed frustration with talks between Tibetan and Chinese negotiators to win greater autonomy for the remote Himalayan region.
- 達賴喇嘛最近對流亡藏人為偏遠的西藏地區爭取更大自治權而與中國的談判表示不滿。
- He has long sought what he calls meaningful autonomy for Tibet, instead of the full independence that many younger Tibetan activists demand.
- 長期以來,達賴喇嘛一直尋求他所說的有意義的西藏自治,而不尋求很多更年輕的藏族活動人士所要求的完全獨立。
- Some Tibetan exiles say that his approach has failed and that it should now be replaced by a more aggressive pro-independence stance.
- 一些流亡藏人說,達賴喇嘛的這種做法已經失敗,現在應當由更激進的爭取獨立立場所取代。
- (2008-11-17)------
- Seven Dead in China Subway Tunnel Collapse
- 中國地鐵工地塌陷 7 人死
- China's state-run Xinhua News agency says at least seven people have been killed and 14 others are missing after a subway tunnel under construction collapsed in the eastern city of Hangzhou.
- 中國官方的新華社說,東部城市杭州一處地鐵挖掘工地塌陷,至少 7 人死亡,14 人失蹤。
- Xinhua said today (Monday) that rescuers have found several more bodies in the wreckage of the tunnel that collapsed on Saturday. Most of the dead and missing are believed to be construction workers.
- 新華社今天 (星期一) 報導說,救援人員在星期六塌陷的地鐵工地廢墟中又找到幾具屍體.據信,大多數死者和失蹤者是建築工人。
- Officials say hopes of finding more trapped workers alive are diminishing.
- 有關官員說,發現更多受困工人的希望變得渺茫。
- A 75-meter long section of road above the tunnel collapsed in the accident, creating a large crater into which 11 vehicles fell. All of the drivers and passengers were rescued.
- 事故發生時,地鐵隧道工地上面一段 75 米長的路段塌陷,形成一個大坑,11 輛汽車掉了下去,司機和乘客都已獲救。
- The tunnel also flooded with water from a nearby river.
- 附近一條河的河水灌進了地鐵隧道工地。
- Xinhua says emergency workers have pumped out most of the water.
- 新華社說,救援人員已把大部分河水抽排出去。