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十一月份 第 10 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-11-16)------

  • Obama Calls for Developing Nations to Reduce Emissions
  • 歐巴馬呼籲發展中國家減少溫室氣體排放
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama says the United States will urge emerging economies to do more to address global warming at a high-level climate change conference later this month in Durban, South Africa.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬說,美國將在本月晚些時候在南非德班召開的有關氣候變化的高級別會議上敦促新興經濟體採取更多行動解決全球變暖問題。

  •   President Obama told reporters Wednesday during his visit to Australia that the Durban talks should result in reduced carbon emissions.
  • 歐巴馬星期三在訪問澳大利亞之際對記者表示,德班氣候變化會議應該實現減少溫室氣體排放的目標。

  •   But warned that "advanced economies can't do this alone."
  • 但是他警告說,“光靠發達經濟體是沒有辦法實現這一目標的。”

  •   Mr. Obama said that emerging economies "like China and India" must also "take seriously their responsibilities" in reducing emissions.
  • 歐巴馬說,“像中國和印度” 這樣的新興經濟體在減排方面也必須認真地負起自己的責任。

  •   President Obama acknowledged that the U.S. has not been able to pass a cap-and-trade system aimed at regulating pollution.
  • 歐巴馬坦誠表示,美國還沒有能夠通過一部旨在控制污染的 “總量控制與交易制度” 的立法。

  •   But noted U.S. efforts at increasing fuel efficiency and exploring clean energy options.
  • 但他指出,美國在提高燃效和開發清潔能源方面付出了努力。

  •   Delegates from 193 countries at the U.N.-sponsored talks, which begin on November 28, will seek to find a compromise on a new international agreement on climate change.
  • 來自 193 個國家的代表將在 11 月 28 日開始的由聯合國主持的氣候變化會議上尋求在達成一個新的氣候變化的國際協議上達成妥協。


  • (2011-11-16)------

  • Clinton To Offer Substantial Aid To Flood-Stricken Thailand
  • 克林頓將向遭受洪災的泰國提供大量援助
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton says she is ready to offer a substantial package of flood assistance to Thailand.
  • 美國國務卿克林頓說,她準備向泰國提供大規模的洪災援助。

  •   Clinton is expected to announce the aid package during a stop Wednesday in Thailand on her way to the Southeast Asian summit in Bali, Indonesia.
  • 克林頓預計會在前往印尼巴厘島參加東南亞國家峰會的途中於星期三在泰國做停留時宣佈這一援助計劃。

  •   The U.S. top diplomat is also expected to visit flood ravaged areas in Thailand and meet with Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.
  • 預計這位美國高級外交官還會訪問泰國遭受洪災的地區,並與泰國總理英拉會晤。

  •   Her visit coincides with that of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
  • 她到訪泰國時,聯合國秘書長潘基文正在那裏。

  •   The U.N. chief told a joint news conference with the Thai prime minister the world body is ready to help the government's relief efforts.
  • 潘基文在與泰國總理舉行的聯合記者招待會上說,聯合國準備好協助泰國政府的救災努力。

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