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六月份 第 16 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2006-06-22) ------

  • WHO Urges China to Explain Case of Bird Flu Death
  • 世衛促中國釋禽流感死亡病例
  •   The World Health Organization is asking China to explain reports that a man may have died of bird flu two years before Chinese officials reported human infections of the virus in their country.
  • 世界衛生組織要求中國解釋在中國報告人體感染禽流感病例兩年前就有一名中國男子可能死於禽流感的消息。

  •   A spokesman for the W.H.O. in Beijing Wednesday said the agency wants more information about a letter written by a group of Beijing scientists that was published in the magazine of the New England Journal of Medicine.
  • 世界衛生組織一位發言人星期四在北京說,世衛組織希望對北京的一組科學家發表在美國的「新英格蘭醫學雜誌」上的一封信進行更多的了解。

  •   The scientists said a 24-year-old man who died of pneumonia-like symptoms in 2003 was initially counted among the victims of the then-prevalent SARS.
  • 這些科學家說,一名24歲的男子2003年死於症狀類似肺炎的疾病,他最初定為死於當時流行的薩斯病。

  •   Their letter says the man's tissue tested positive for the H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus.
  • 這些科學家在信中說,對這名男子的組織樣本的化驗證實他感染了H5N1型禽流感病毒。

  •   They do not explain why the mix-up is only now being reported. Chinese foreign ministry officials had no immediate comment on the issue.
  • 他們沒有解釋為什麼到現在才報告這一錯誤.中國外交部官員尚未就此事做出評論。


  • (2006-06-22) ------

  • Iraq Insurgents Kill 5 US Service Members
  • 伊反叛分子打死五名美國軍人
  •   Insurgents in Iraq have killed five U.S. service members. U.S. officials say four Marines died in two separate attacks on Tuesday in Anbar province, west of Baghdad. The fifth American victim died in a roadside-bomb south of Baghdad on Wednesday.
  • 伊拉克反叛分子打死五名美國軍人.美國官員說,四名海軍陸戰隊員星期二在巴格達以西的安巴爾省發生的兩起不同襲擊事件中死亡.還有一名美國士兵星期三在巴格達以南的路邊炸彈爆炸中喪生。

  •   In another development, the chief lawyer for Saddam Hussein says Saddam and several other defendants have begun a hunger strike to protest the lack of security for their defense lawyers.
  • 另一方面,薩達姆.侯賽因的首席辯護律師說,薩達姆和七名同案被告開始絕食,抗議他們的辯護律師缺乏安全保障。

  •   On Wednesday, gunmen kidnapped Khamis al-Obaidi, a top member of Saddam's legal team, and killed him.
  • 星期三,槍手綁架了薩達姆律師團的高級成員奧貝迪,將他殺死。

  •   A U.S. State Department spokesman condemned the murder, but said the slain lawyer had turned down American offers of protection.
  • 美國國務院的一名發言人譴責這起謀殺事件,但是表示這名被殺律師拒絕美國提供安全保護的提議。

  •   In Taji, north of Baghdad, the number of factory workers still being held by gunmen who seized them Wednesday is unclear.
  • 在巴格達以北的塔吉,星期三晚上被槍手綁架並一直扣押的工廠工人數目仍然不清楚。

  •   Media reports on Wednesday said about 85 workers at a former military plant were abducted. But some Iraqi officials say the number was closer to 30 and that many have been released.
  • 星期三的媒體報導說,一個前軍方工廠的85名工人被綁架,但是一些伊拉克官員說,被綁架的人數更接近30,許多人已經被釋放。


EPT 美語
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