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2025.02.15 14:54
第十一部 第五課: butterfingers , klutz
- Larry 和李華正在學校體育館裡打籃球.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: butterfingers 和 klutz。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Here, Li Hua, catch!
- 嘿!Larry,你不要那麼用力嘛!你這麼用力我接不住啊!
- Don't blame the fact that you're a butterfingers on me. I don't think it's my fault that you keep dropping the ball.
- 對,我老是接不住球,可我沒有怪你呀!我只是讓你別使那麼大勁兒嘛.你說我是什麼來著啊? Butterfingers?喝!你肯定又在損我了,是不是?
- A butterfingers is someone who is clumsy and tends to drop things.
- 哦~,我知道了, butter 是黃油, fingers 是手指, butterfingers 就好像啊手上抹黃油,油膩膩的抓不住東西.也就是指那些笨手笨腳,經常會把東西掉在地上的人. Larry,我才不是呢,都是你~,扔球太用力,所以我才接不住啊!
- Okay, butterfingers, you can keep trying to blame this on me, but I know the truth.
- 別再叫我 butterfingers 了啦.哎,來吧,再丟一次,只是別那麼用力了喔!
- All right, but I don't think it's going to help.
- 你看.我這不是接住了嗎? I'm not a butterfingers!
- That was just luck. Don't feel too bad, though, my sister's much more of a butterfingers than you are.
- 你妹妹比我還糟糕?怎麼說啊?
- She used to try out for the softball team every year in high school, but she never made the team because she couldn't catch the ball.
- 啊~,她唸中學的時候每年都參加壘球隊選拔,從來沒有被接納呀!就是因為她老接不到球!看來她真的是個 butterfingers。
- My sister's tough, though, she never let the fact that she's a genuine butterfingers stop her from trying.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Larry,你怎麼摔倒啦,沒事吧?
- Yeah, I'm all right. I just tripped over that rock. I'm such a klutz!
- 喔~,是一塊石頭把你絆倒了啊?疑?你說你是什麼來著啊? Klutz?那是什麼意思啊?
- A klutz is someone who is very clumsy and falls, and trips, and bumps into things very easily.
- Klutz 就是指那種經常會撞上什麼東西,經常會跌倒的人啊. Larry,我可從來沒有見你摔倒過哎.這還是第一次呢,所以你還算不上是個 klutz。
- Thank you, Li Hua. I appreciate it. However, I assure you that I can be a real klutz sometimes. Fortunately, I usually do klutzy things when no one else is looking.
- 哼哼嘿,Larry,你啊真有意思.你怎麼知道你笨手笨腳的時候沒有人看見呢?不久前你好像告訴我你撞到什麼東西.我聽了也忘了。
- Oh, that's a few months ago. One day, I wasn't paying attention and I walked into a street sign. Some girls saw me and they started laughing. I felt ridiculous!
- 光聽你這麼說啊,我就覺得很好笑,從沒聽說有人走在路上還會撞上路標的.我可以想像,你當時啊一定顯得很傻, a real klutz!
- Well, that's the only time people saw me being a klutz. I don't plan on doing a repeat performance.
- 就這一次給人看見?以後不再會這樣傻了?你別太自信了!
- You mean once a klutz, always a klutz?
- 我不是說你做了一次傻事,以後永遠做傻事.我是說啊你還有可能做傻事喔。
- Well, let's see!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語.第一個是: butterfingers,這是指「抓不穩東西、手裡拿的東西經常會掉到地上去」.另外一個常用語是: klutz,是形容「一個人經常跌倒,或者是撞到東西,笨手笨腳的」。