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EPT 美語
首頁 / 免費英文自學教材 / 美國之音 / 流行美語 / 第十一部 / 第08課

第十一部 第八課: dilly-dally , dis

  • Larry 和李華今天晚上約好了和朋友碰面,可是當 Larry 到李華家接她的時候,李華還在梳妝打扮.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: dilly-dallydis
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Come on, Li Hua. Aren't you ready yet?
  • 再等一下啦,我頭髮還沒弄好呢。
  • Come on, already. Stop dilly-dallying and let's go!
  • Larry,你在說什麼啊,什麼是 dilly-dally 啊?
  • To dilly-dally is to waste time doing pointless things. Right now, you're dilly-dallying with your hair when our friend is waiting for us.
  • Dilly-dally 就是拖拖拉拉.喔!你是說我們的朋友在等著,而我在這兒浪費時間.整理頭髮是浪費時間呀?我總不能披頭散髮地出門吧.你不有的時候也愛拖拖拉拉, - dilly-dally 嗎?
  • Me? Dilly-dally? Tell me, when have I ever dilly-dallied?
  • 瞧你說得,好像你自己從來就沒有拖拖拉拉過啊?兩天前,我們約好晚上七點吃晚飯,結果你在家打電話跟朋友聊天,到了七點半才來哎!這不是 Dilly-dally 嗎?你忘啦?
  • Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, I guess I do dilly-dally sometimes. I really felt sorry for making you wait.
  • 還有一次啊,我在家裡開 party,我讓你早點來幫忙,結果客人都到齊了,你還沒到,原來啊你是去買牙膏,在商店裡啊逛得忘了時間了。
  • Hey, Li Hua, you do have a good memory. I already forgot about it. But, I am sorry for dilly-dallying.
  • 我倒不是要你道歉,你啊早就道歉過了.我只是要提醒你,你也有拖拖拉拉的時候.也就是: dilly-dally,對不對啊?
  • You're right. But at least you've learned how to use "dilly-dally".
  • 不過啊說真的,現在 5 點半了,我們和 John 的約會是 6 點,真得趕快走囉。
  • Well, because of your dilly-dallying, we're really going to have to hurry.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Larry,你的上衣跟褲子根本就不搭配,你是關著燈穿衣服還是怎麼著?
  • Don't dis my clothes! I may not have great fashion sense, but at least I don't waste a lot of time dilly-dallying with my hair.
  • 哎~,我是在說你的衣服耶,你怎麼又扯上我的頭髮.你說我 dis 你的衣服.那是什麼意思?
  • To "dis" something is to criticize something or make a negative comment about it. I think dis is short for "disrespect."
  • 哦~,原來 dis 就是 disrespect 這個詞的簡稱, disrespect 呢就是不尊重.你說: 「Don't dis my clothes" 就是讓我別批評你的衣服.我不是批評你的衣服,只是你搭配得不好嘛。
  • That doesn't make me feel any better, Li Hua. It's not nice to dis your friends or their clothes.
  • 我以為朋友之間應該坦率,我說你衣服搭配得不好,你也不高興,還說我這樣說是不禮貌的.你不覺得你這樣批評我也是不對的嗎?
  • Oh, please, you started the whole thing by dissing my clothes.
  • 好啦,好啦,我以後啊不說就行啦。
  • All right, I promise not to dis you if you promise not to dis me or my clothes, deal?
  • Deal.以後啊你不批評我,我也不再批評你穿衣服的品味.我們就這麼說定囉. Larry,已經六點了,怎麼 John 還沒有來呢?
  • Yeah, I wonder where he is? I hate people dilly-dallying.
  • 也許John正在哪兒閒晃,根本就忘記時間了!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,第一個是: dilly-dally,這就是說「拖拖拉拉,把時間浪費在不重要的事情上」.另一個常用語是: dis,是「批評或者是給予負面的評價」。
EPT 美語
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